Section 3 - Broken pieces

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Here we are again, 

In unknow territory

In unexpected territory

Like that of your eyes, 

In which i build my home.

I see a certain beauty in the unknown

The beauty of lost innocence

The beauty of a memory not yet created.

An infinite number of possibilities

In such a narrow space

That i would almost lose myself in it.

I feel so small in the immensity of this iris

Who before is could even sketch a drawing 

Of this new world, 

Has already tasted its acid.

And so i accompany

To the front of this ceaseless battle

That is love

A friend, 

To whom the heart abandons itselft 

In torturous

But deliciously warm waters

That make us believe that everything is possible

When everything collapses.

This friend who deserves the world

And to whom i hope the moon will be bestowed.

So strong, but so sad, in the arms of such a strong but sad soul.

Maybe two broken pieces

Could make a whole?

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