Chapter 2 : Class Trial pt.2

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The vibe turned from bad to worst for a student who's in my shoes right now. Everyone looking at me, worried, some are looking to my face with suspicion filling their expression. I simply covering my eyes with  my hat while smirking.

"Why are you smirking, Yuuko?" Satsuki asked nervously, most likely worried about my behavior.

Izumi began tremble in shock "Don't tell me that Kasumi and Ito was right that you kill Hanazawa-san?" said the librarian timidly.

I looking at every single of my classmate faces "I simply said that i agree about the cause of death is because of poisoning. It's matched with Hanazawa conditions. The only things that could kill someone without any injuries is from asphyxiation, or poisoning." as i began to explain.

 "We all already saw that during the event Hanazawa didn't shows any sign of sickness or asphyxiation problem, she's energetically active during the event, so there's no way she died from it. Poison is certainly the one who lead her to her gruesome death" there's strange feeling in the bottom of my stomach when i say it, maybe it's my anger for Hanazawa unfair death.

"So what's your point!" Aohane exclaimed, pointing her finger toward my face.

I sighed "It's clear that the only way the culprit kill Hanazawa is by poisoning, and we need to find the method how the culprit do that" 

"Isn't you who do that? Taking the poison during the time you helping moving the ingredients this morning? Isn't that the perfect timing so far?" Kasumi asked.

I tipping my hat as i crossing my arm "How about... Some evidence?" 

"E-evidence? is it clear as crystal that what Kasumi tell us is the truth? I mean... i can't see any other possibility" said Izumi timidly.

I simply chuckled when i heard this opinion as i nodded "Sure, sure. I purposely helping Akazawa and Hanazawa this morning, when i moving the ingredients i take the poison that i prepare before to poison the ingredients to kill Hanazawa. Sure it's plausible" as i said sarcastically.

Everyone are become silent, no one said a words as my sarcastic respond echoed through the courtroom. Everyone seems nervous for the exception the like of Ito, Kasumi, and Toguchi. and then someone break the silence.

"Wait, i find a contradiction within this theory... I mean is unlikely that Atsui could do that" said Nuwa rubbing her chin.

Aiwa glancing toward the martial artist "Why do you think so?"

Nuwa are looking towards everyone as she began to talk "Because i was there, remember? I also helping Akazawa and Hanazawa too because i was with Atsui the whole time during the morning. Even when we moving the ingredients from Hanazawa lab. i don't see the chance of Atsui putting the poison on the ingredients at that point. She even didn't go to her lab to take the poison, i could affirm that." said Nuwa backing me up. The mood are shifting from a dense anxiety to a bit more lighter a bit.

"But she doesn't need to took the poison with her during the morning time you know, she might prepared it long before the morning time, who knows if she always had it with her" said Ito jovially. bringing back the anxiety vibe on the trial.

Iwata glancing toward the conspiracy theorist "But Ito, if she actually do that, where did she put the carrier of the poison after that? As long as i remember in her lab, every poison is placed within a small bottle of glass" said the miner.

"He~ you actually could remember that. muscle brain?" said Kasumi impressed.

Ito also looks impressed, i bet he never imagine Iwata could make a valid argument like that. And then Aiwa also adding "Yeah, that make sense, as i helping during the kitchen session. i don't see any suspicious bottle on the kitchen even in the trash bin. Akazawa should know that too since he helping a lot when we making the peanut punch" said the music composer frowning.

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