Chapter 2 : The gap between Brotherhood and Comradery

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"Atsui, you didn't have to keep it all by yourself, you can tell me if you ever have a trouble" said Hitomi kindly.

I simply glanced "Ha~ And why i should do that? If you're trying to being nice to me, it's useless, Hitomi" 

Hitomi seems didn't take my words as she continue smiling "Yes, yes, i won't force myself to you, Atsui. I simply want to know you better, i don't know what kind of hardship that you have within you, but at least, by knowing you better i can act more appropriately to you so maybe sometime after we escape from this mansion we can get along like true friend!" said the supermodel honestly, there's no lie on her words, unlike those who want to befriend me because of my status as Super High-school Level Forensic Scientist.

I simply snorts when reaching the door that lead to the outside of Hitomi's Talent Developmental Lab "Hmph, I don't really understand why you doing any of this, gathering the girls to befriend them, but at least i can tell that your intention are genuine, i think i can relate to that, i don't hate that part of yours." deep down in my heart i really acknowledge Hitomi's effort to lend her friendship to me, despite i always blow off anything like that with harsh words.

Hitomi softly laugh "You're actually a kindhearted girl, Atsui, unlike the first impression that you gave from your outlook. I'm looking forward to spend time with you and the others when we leave this mansion!" i waving my hand to Hitomi before leaving her lab.

"Just don't die, Hitomi" i smirk toward Hitomi one last time.

"I won't!" the supermodel replied while smile widely. 

And then the scene change, the background change from Hitomi's lab to the workroom where Hitomi was killed, someone slit her throat and the blood flowing from her neck, i completely shocked... and there's a deep of regrets that bursting on my chest... Why? Why my last conversation with her should be like that? Why i can't be more kinder that time... Aren't we supposed to be friend? She's the one that i have genuine fondness with... and with that some sort of regrets, i vow to find the culprit and make them pay for this!


I opened my eyes, i was lying in my bed, so i just dreaming about the last time i talk to Hitomi? I can feels there's something on my eyes, as i wipe it, i realize that's a tears. I can't believe i would shed a tear for someone else... It's seems Nuwa was telling me the truth, Hitomi indeed change me a little bit. I looking at the clock, it's already 7.40 AM... Did just miss the morning announcement? Which that means that fell into a pretty deep sleep?


Someone knocking the door, who's visiting an annoying girl like i am? I take a quick shower and then changing my clothes, when i took a shower, the door keep knocking, it's totally annoy me. After i'm ready, someone still knocking the door, then i yelled.

"YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOCK IT TOO MUCH! IT'S ANNOYING!" as i head to the door to open it, and when i open it, it's Satsuki, who waiting in the front of the door with his wide and energetic smile.

"Yo! Yuuko, we've been waiting for you at the dining hall!" Said the backstage crew.

I sighed "Ah, it's you, i should expect it from the beginning, so i could prepare a bucket of water and throw it at your face"   

"That's cruel! What did i ever do to deserve that??" Satsuki gasped.

"It's your existence that deserve that treatment after all" i passing by the backstage crew when he's about the reply, leaving this annoying guy behind and head for the dining hall, i can heard that he's following me.

"Hey, wait, Yuuko! Yuuko!" said Satsuki calling me along the way, calling my first name like that is totally pissed me off, i know it's useless to tell him to stop doing that, but it can't be helped, but it's totally made me reach my anger point.

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