Chapter 1 : Investigation

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So... it's really happen... by just a single motive .... a murder took place.... wait.... it's too early to said this is an murder done by one of the student... there's possibility that Monokuma did this to make us doubt each other.... well, but..... after all that talk of unity.... Hitomi Ayumi... You're the only person that i ever really trusts for being honest while trying to get along with everyone...

I'm looking at Hitomi dead body, there's pools of blood around her body... it must be her bloods... My warning proves to be correct after all.... did the one who kill her was in league with Monokuma? And then Nuwa slip through the other student as she gasping.

"Oh, my, it can't be happening..." Said the martial artist shocked.

I looking sharply at the others, there's Ito, Hanazawa, the western wing mansion explorer group. And also there's some guy from basement group, there's Hibiki, Majo, and Aohane, Hibiki looking at Hitomi dead body in sad expression while Aohane looks trembled.

"H-how could this happening... Hitomi-san we already promised to escape this mansion together... so... why?" said Hanazawa crying.

Aohane began to talk in cringe "M-maybe she still alive... Maybe she's on critical situation and we need to treat her quickly" said the skydiver in panic tone.

"But in that conditions... even with the help of the spirits..." Said Majo doubting that Hitomi still alive.

I examined Hitomi's body once again and placed my hand close to Hitomi mouth to check for breathing, i can't feel the breath or the venous pulse, i turned my face from this sad scene and then i shook my head.

"We're too late, she's not with us anymore"

Hibiki moves into my side "So she's really dead? That's unfortunate..." said Hibiki sadly.

 I simply nodded and then there's someone that looks excited as he began to talk "He... so she really dead... Interesting, after all her saying of working together, she's the first one who left us... well... i bet there's some interesting plot twist waiting for us to happens!" said Ito heartlessly.

And then suddenly, out of nowhere...

"Upupupupu, what a relief! A murder finally took place after the motives distributes! Sure, sure, i know distributing the motives is the right thing to do, Muhehehehe" said Monokuma jovially.

"M-Monokuma?!" everyone startled when Monokuma suddenly appeared. and at that moment, i can hear the voice of people running on the hallway, they must be the rest of the students on the eastern wing of the mansion.

Iwata entered the room, his big muscular size make the rooms feels so cramped, so some of the student leave the room and waiting at the corridor to gave a chance for those who just arrived to see the scene.

"We just heard some terrible announcement and... WHAT?" the miner shouted and his face become pale when he see the dead body. 

"Kyaaaaa!" Izumi scream in anguish when she looking at Hitomi dead body.

Aiwa looks really pale when he looking at Hitomi dead body "Hitomi....? But... How?"

Kasumi snorts "I see, this ended up happening after all, my, my... what the world is this? As i thought this kind of things is something that only a peasant could do" said the CEO coldly.

Akazawa just entered the room, when he looking at Hitomi dead body, his eyes are widened "So... can anybody explains the meaning of all this?" said the basketball whispered in shocks.

Monokuma waving his hand "An explanation? Nah, there's no need for that, upupupu, all of this just means that finally, on this magnificent and greatest mansion in the world, the very first murder finally taken place! muhehehehehe! I can't wait for the thrill, it always gave me a weird boner"

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