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3rd person's pov:
- Dazai, if you're so eager about this, go on and inform them,- Fukuzawa pointed at the doors.

Dazai, as happy as ever pleasantly walked out, smiling at the two guys from the port mafia.

- heyy !- Dazai waved at them.

- tch. did you decided?- Akutagawa coldly asked.

- yes! we accept your offer but with a few conditions!- Dazai nodded and put up his hand, counting.- first, you can't use your powers unless we allow it, or you're in mortal danger, second, you can't dissappear without informing any of us-

- what?! we didn't agree to that!- Chuuya shouted.

- shh, Chuuya, I haven't reached the best part, - Dazai put his index finger over Chuuya's lips.- the third rule, is that I'm babysitting Chuuya!

- WHAT?!- Chuuya screamed at the top of his lungs, even Atsushi in the office jumped with a gasp.

- don't be mad, Chibi,- Dazai messed with Chuuya's hair and grinned at him.

- I'll kill you, bandage waste!- Chuuya pushed Dazai away and punched him in the jaw.

- Hey, Chuuya,- Akutagawa quietly threatened that idiot.

- Fine! I'll speak to Mori, because I'm not putting up with this crap!- Chuuya shouted, with his face red as a tomato.

Dazai was lying on the ground from Chuuya's punch, laughing so much, he forgot how to breathe.

Chuuya walked a few meters away, politely shouting at the phone, apparently whatever Mori was saying didn't amuse him.

Akutagawa glanced at Dazai and rolled his eyes. for him this was just another job, the only different part was that he had to put up with being with the weretiger and Dazai. Both of them annoyed him, but weretiger was much worse.

- I DON'T WAN-, - Chuuya screamed for the last time and then threw his phone on the ground, smashing it aggressively.

- Sooo,- Dazai sang out.

- tch, don't think you can get away with this,- Chuuya gently fixed his hat and walked past Dazai, ignoring the fact that he just screamed and smashed his new phone.

Both of the men from the Port Mafia walked in the detective agency, and were welcomed with a few weird looks.

- Now that we're all here, let's have a meeting and talk this through,- Fukuzawa ordered and leaded all of them to the cabinet on the left.

- You two, why don't you introduce yourself properly,- Fukuzawa nodded at the Port Mafia agents, when the whe group sat down around the big table.

- I'm Akutagawa, as you all know, one of the strongest executives in Port Mafia,- the pale man stood up introducing himself, even though all of them already knew him.- this is Chuuya Nakahara, also one of the executives, he was Dazai's partner back in the day.

- great,- The president tried to ignore the growing tension between Chuuya and Dazai, as well as Akutagawa and Atsushi.- I think Dazai here already told you all about the conditions, so we don't have to go over that part again. Does Mori agrees with everything?

- unfortunately, yes,- Chuuya mumbled, hiding his face with a hat.

- then let's move onto the investigation,- Fukuzawa crossed his hands on the chest.- Akutagawa, please explain.

- okay, the reason why this case is different from others,- he stood up and walked to the front.-is that we were directly threatened. When Mori got that note it was clear that it was someone we know, also they threatened your agency too. the first cases of disappearance were in the Furthest regions from Yokohama, but the attacker is slowly moving closer to us, somehow wiping all of the gifted in their way.

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