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Four people quietly rode in the car, skipping beautiful landscapes at the sides of the road. However, none of them allowed themselves to be bothered by it.

Karma and Chuuya sat in the back, Chuuya kept a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, ready to kill the other redhead at any moment, meanwhile Atsushi was anxiously picking his lip and Akutagawa was agressively gripping the steering wheel.

- can I say something?- Karma suddenly spoke, trying not to move so he wouldn't get stabbed.

- what do you want, bastard?- Chuuya glared at him and raised his knife.

- I just wanted you to know, I didn't want to do this...- surprisingly he tried to defend himself.- Fyodor took me under his wing, I don't have a choice anymo-

- I don't give a single fuck about your sad story!- Chuuya angrily cut him off.- You took Dazai from us, now we're in this sick game of you!

- I-I understand,- Karma stuttered in fear, seeing Chuuya so furious.

- Chuuya wait,- Atsushi suddenly turned around.- if this wasn't your decision then help us.

- I-I'm scared... he will kill me!

- I will kill you faster, bastard!- Chuuya angrily swayed his knife forward, centimetres away from Karma's eyes.

- Chuuya!- Akutagawa shouted, not taking his eyes away from the road.- get yourself together!

- Karma, tell us about Fyodor's plan then,- Atsushi tried to keep the situation calm.

- I really don't know much, but if anything, Dazai isn't going to be harmed,- Karma tried not to look at Chuuya.- but if he captures any of you, you'll most definitely die.

- Fyodor already said that, be useful!-Chuuya muttered.

- ugh, I think Fyodor kinda has a weak spot for Dazai, but I'm not sure...

- what do you mean?- these words caught Atsushi's attention.

- He likes Dazai, or rather adores his power,- Karma tried to explain.- I heard him talk about Dazai, it's not only because he needs him for the plan.

- is that idiot inlove with Dazai or something?- Chuuya frowned.- I didn't think Fyodor was that dumb.

Akutagawa dramatically rolled his eyes at these words, but didn't say anything in order to not disrupt their serious conversation.

-  well, I wouldn't say it like that...- Karma slightly smiled.- But if I can make a suggestion, then threaten to kill Dazai, Fyodor might react then.

- what? seriously?!- Atsushi's eyes widened.- threaten to kill him... Chuuya, what do you think?

- I'm trying to decide which one I hate more,- the redhead just quietly muttered.- as long as we get that dumbass back, I'm down to anything.

- oh! Fyodor said he's planning to capture you!- Karma remembered.- He said it was because of your ability but... uh...

Karma suddenly lowered his head and his face turned red, like he was embarrassed to say something.

- Well, I was outside for a while to catch you with my ability, so I saw you and Dazai... uh, you know what I mean,- Karma quickly spilled, avoiding Chuuya.- I told Fyodor about that, so he probably wants to take you because he now thinks that you make the biggest impact on Dazai...

- wait wait wait,- Chuuya went a little pale.- just how close to us were you?

- Enough to hear every single word...- Karma decided it wasn't worth it to lie.- Before you kill me! I saw the 5th guy too, but I didn't tell Fyodor!

That redhead! [soukoku]  [complete] Where stories live. Discover now