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- oh, Dazai! we-, - Tanizaki stopped mid-sentence.- uh, right, we prepared some sandwiches.

all eyes fell on Dazai and Chuuya, walking through the door. all of them silently agreed not to question what's happening, however they couldn't hold in a gasp when Dazai literally threw Chuuya on the ground, with a wide grin.

- what the fuck, Dazai?- Chuuya immediately got up, and this time was ready to throw a fight.

- i said I'll get you here, now eat,- Dazai patted angry Chuuya's head, his hair was still messed up and stood up.

Chuuya just quietly cursed him out and sat down next to him. Tanizaki and Atsushi prepared some decent sandwiches and they had snacks like cookies, chips and sweets. Akutagawa didn't feel like socialising, so he sat a little further, slowly nabbing a sandwich.

- Akutagawa, don't you want to come here?- Atsushi asked.

- I'm perfectly fine here,- he slightly raised his eyes to meet Atsushi's.

- No, Aku, come here,- Dazai protested.

- don't call me Aku, idiot,- he mumbled, but came closer to the circle.

- that's better, Aku!- Dazai smiled, but Akutagawa just rolled his eyes at him.

Mostly, they ate in silence, except  Dazai's constant remarks and Tanizaki's jokes. Atsushi would have joined in, but he was too hungry to pay attention. Chuuya and Akutagawa just weren't in the mood for their own reasons.

- when are we gonna get out of here?- Akutagawa suddenly asked, interrupting a conversion between Dazai and Tanizaki.

- hm, let me think,- Dazai stopped talking for a moment.- early next morning! then we should stop at similar place in the evening and get out again in the morning.

Akutagawa nodded, turning around.


For the remaining day, they didn't do much. Chuuya and Akutagawa mostly screamed at Dazai for messing up their bags in the car, Atsushi played video games with Tanizaki on Tanizaki's laptop, that he for some reason brought here.

- it's getting late, huh?- Tanizaki noticed the time on the computer.

- yea, maybe we should get ready for bed,- Atsushi sighed and stood up.- you have to get good rest, you're driving tomorrow.

- yes, you're right, I'm going to get my bags,- Tanizaki stretched and walked out of the room.

Atsushi looked around, no-one was in the room. He heard muffled talk from the #5 room, Chuuya and Akutagawa were talking for a few hours there. Dazai was nowhere to be found, not surprisingly.

well, I sleep in Chuuya's room, so I better get going- Atsushi thought.

He reached the doorknob of the #5 room and hesitated. He knew he won't fall asleep with Chuuya only a couple meters away from him and he was probably the least friendly with Chuuya, not counting Tanizaki.

would it be so bad, if I rested in Dazai's bed? he probably wouldn't be mad to sleep in the same room as Chuuya?..- Atsushi thought, he needed some rational excuse.

Atsushi decided swiftly, he will sleep in Dazai's bed, after all, it won't make a big difference for Dazai.

He and Tanizaki got ready and fell asleep, with Dazai still gone somewhere.


- huh?- Dazai stopped in the doorway to #4 room, because surprisingly all three beds were occupied.

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