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- DAZAI GET BACK HERE!- Kunikida shouted as Dazai walked out of the detective agency.

- you can do the paperwork better than me anyway!- Dazai sang out and jogged down the corridor.

They had just came back to the city and finished their meeting. As the leaders of two teams, Kunikida and Dazai had to write proper reports on their work, but Dazai slacked off as usual.

Also, he had another goal in mind. the brunette swiftly jogged down, sliding on one of the stair handles. He opened the entrance door, and almost bumped into the head of a ginger standing in front of him.

- and where do you think you're going?- Dazai smiled and stopped Chuuya by grabbing his shoulder.

- huh? I'm going to work, I have to report to Mori,- Chuuya muttered, irritated at the thought of recalling all the events to his boss.

- Ah, don't worry about it, I have something else in mind,- Dazai shook his head and turned around, facing Chuuya.- let's go get drunk!

- It's a Tuesday evening, idiot,- Chuuya crossed his arms.- and I said I have wor-

- when did that ever stop you?- Dazai leaned closer to Chuuya, annoying him.

- Oh, come on! it's my line to ask you to get drunk!- Chuuya lightly punched Dazai's shoulder.- fine, but you're writing my report!

- Anything for you, Chu Chu,- Dazai nodded, debating on whether Atsushi or Tanizaki would agree faster.

Dazai lead Chuuya to the right, and after a few steps, grabbed the ginger's hand. Maybe it was nerves, maybe indecisiveness, but Dazai tried to grab it so aggressively, Chuuya jumped a meter back in shock.

- what the fuck?- He stared at Dazai, keeping safe distance.

- I was trying to hold your hand!-Dazai pouted, he didn't understand where he went wrong.

- You scratched my hand with your nails, idiot!- Chuuya showed fresh pink marks on his palm.- I thought you were going to kill me!

- eh?- Dazai tilted his head in confusion, but Chuuya started laughing.- don't laugh at me, Chuuya, that's rude!

- I-I'm sorry,- the redhead tried to suppress his laughter and speak properly.- Listen, Dazai, you're absolutely horrible when you're trying to do anything genuine.

- You are hurting my feelings!- Dazai crossed his arms dramatically, but inside he felt incredibly embarrassed.

- okay, here,- Chuuya put out his right hand, grabbed Dazai's wrist with the other and started guiding both of their hands .- You take my hand... here. Then, you squeeze a little.... uhuh. and then, you can interlock our fingers.... Yup, that's good.

- wow, I didn't know it was that hard!- Dazai scoffed.

- you messed up big time, idiot,- Chuuya chuckled, and pulled his hand a little bit forward.- well, you were leading me to a bar, weren't you?

- o-oh, right,- Dazai shook his head a little and they continued walking, this time successfully holding hands.

Dazai thought he would never forget this embarrassment. Chuuya, who always acts tough and as far as Dazai's knowledge reached, was never in a relationship, but somehow knows it better than Dazai himself!

Dazai constantly flirted with everyone, and loved to confuse people with his seductive words and gestures, Chuuya was no exception, but whenever it came to genuine things, Dazai was like a clueless baby.

wait, but was Chuuya in a relationship before?...- A question spiked Dazai's mind.- it probably wouldn't be appropriate to ask... Since when do I care about that?!

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