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also prepare- this chapter is a little different and way longer but yea enjoy
- Hey, Da-,- Atsushi also stopped talking after he saw Chuuya with Dazai.- so that's what Akutagawa meant...

However, by now Atsushi got used to their weird behaviour, so he didn't walk away.

- Dazai!- He raised his voice.- get up, you two!

Atsushi carefully stared at them. Chuuya was laying on the right side, face away from Dazai, but the brunette was snuggled way too close to Chuuya and slightly hugged him.

- huh?..- Chuuya was the first to open his eyes.- WHA- BASTARD!

Atsushi just sighed and glanced at Akutagawa, who rolled his eyes.

- Dazai, idiot, what the fuck?!- Chuuya elbowed him and quickly got out of the sleeping bag, covering his face with messy hair, matching the color of his cheeks.

- huh? what?- Dazai quickly sat up from this aggressive way of waking him up.- oh, good morning, Chuuya, Atsushi!

- Bastard!- Chuuya shouted again and got out of the tent, pushing Atsushi away.- why are you all staring at me, go away!

Atsushi, Akutagawa and Tanizaki just stared at Chuuya more intensively, it was like a reward for enduring all their stupid fights for days.

- Ugh, idiots, - Chuuya crossed his arms, but didn't raise his head even for a second.

- Good morning, Akutagawa, Tanizaki,- Dazai stretched when he also walked out of the tent, in contrast to Chuuya, he was completely calm and in a good mood.

- oh, yeah, if we go as soon as possible, we can reach our goal in the evening,- Atsushi broke the silence.

- great, then let's pack everything,- Dazai nodded and then noticed Chuuya still not looking at him.- Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, why did you kick him out, Aku?

Dazai pointed at Chuuya with his thumb, who already looked irritated and embarrassed, now the ginger was about to go for Dazai's neck.

- ah, that ?- Akutagawa slightly smiled.- his breathing was annoying.

- that's understandable, - Dazai chuckled.- it turned out for the better, anyway...

- yeah, so Dazai pack your tent quickly, I will get other things,- Tanizaki swiftly stepped in, he saw Chuuya ready to beat someone up.

- sure, Chu Chu, come help,- Dazai ordered and everyone walked away, getting ready to go.

- idiot,- Chuuya muttered under his breath, but obediently helped Dazai.

- why are you so angry?- Dazai glanced at the ginger.

- because you're an idiot, idiot!- Chuuya quickly glared at him, but instantly looked down again.

- you used the word idiot two times in the same sentence,- Dazai tilted his head.

- shut up, just shut up,- Chuuya sighed, his fists hardened.

- Chuuya, you look so cute when you're flustered!- Dazai laughed.

- go to hell!- Chuuya threw his hand out to slap him, but Dazai grabbed his hand mid-way.

- Chu Chu, why so aggressive?- Dazai smirked at him and stepped closer, not letting go of his arm.

- fuck off!- Chuuya shouted, but didn't raise his head.

Dazai quietly chuckled, he enjoyed this way too much. Seeing Chuuya more and more embarrassed was the most satisfying thing ever, so he took his other hand and gently raised Chuuya's chin, to see his face.

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