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Hi guys quick note! I will be posting two parts today since I missed and upload schedule! Enjoy the next two chapters! And thank you so much for 25 reads ✨☺️⚡️

Kageyama POV.
What just happened! Tsukishima just made out with me while he was half asleep! I got up and ran in the the bathrooms provided in the gym. I washed my face and when I looked into the mirror I was a blushing mess. I don't like tsukishima im in love with Hinata so I'm going to stay away from him for a while. Hinata is the person I want to give my love to because he's my amazing dumbass. I walked out to find tsukishima yelling to someone then I went over and glared at him. "Who is it salty" "it's Tanaka he's gonna get us out!" "Finally I'm sick of being in here with you. I then walked away and sat on the bench just breathing normally.

Finally the gym door opened and Hinata was there, I ran over and hugged him then kissed him telling him what happened. He hugged me then backed away and stared at me. "What's wrong baby?" "Why are you wearing Tsukishimas jacket..." "oh since we were stuck here last night and all my stuffs in the club room he gave me he's jacket, good thing to I was shivering so badly I almost passed out." Hinata then gave me a smile of relief. I than ran over to tsukishima and gave him his jacket back. Then walked back over and kissed Hinata once again and hugged him with my head resting in his shoulder and neck. He rubbed my back in a circular motion and kissed my head.

I ran out of the gym and went to the vending Machine I grabbed a milk and a water since I was so dehydrated. Once I got back into the gym tsukishima was standing there on his phone messaging his mom so I did the same after I went and got my bag of stuff. Practice proceeded as normal and it was a great weekend I even hung out with Hinata after practice we had a sleepover at my house! 2 weeks later it was Sunday I had school tomorrow where I would get to see my amazing boyfriend again. I texted him goodnight and shut my eyes. The next morning we met at the gate he gave my a hug and kissed my cheek with his soft lips.

It was afternoon practice now and I was so excited cause we would have a practice game with Nekoma. Half way threw the game I fell and had to sit out Tsukishima asked if I was ok and we sat together. I cheered Hinata on and soon the game was over. (We won)Me and Hinata decided we would hang out today after school so we walked to his house. On the way there he said he had a surprise for me and put a blindfold over my eyes. We walked into his house and got to his room like usual then he told me to put my arms up so I did. Then I felt something go around my wrists. It was rope... he took my shirt of before I could to anything then tied me to his bed. "Hinata what are you doing is this part of the surprise are you gonna spray we with slime or whip crepe again?" "Yes it's part of the surprise but that's not it~"
I then felt him rub my chest with his small soft hands it sent a shiver down my spine. He started kissing my neck and I freaked out. I told him to stop I felt to uncomfortable to do this yet. But he continued... he started kissing my stomach and giving me hickeys everywhere. He then took of my pants and boxers. I started crying telling him to stop and begging him. But again he didn't stop. He entered me slowly at first and put it all in at once. I started crying even more telling him It hurt and for such a small guy you wouldn't think it was that big but it was... I was in so much pain then he shoved my shirt in my mouth so I couldn't scream.

He took it out after pushing in and out of me for like 15 minutes then he stuck mine in him and rode me for a while. I gave up and just layer there tears streaming down my face. Soon he stopped and I had passed out when he did. I woke up clothed with him snuggling my chest. I started crying and wishing it was all a dream but I was in so much pain I couldn't move. He said if I told anybody they wouldn't believe me then they would hate me for lying to them. So Hinata got away doing this everyday after practice and school...

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