Will someone ever help me...:7

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Kageyama POV:

I woke up with Hinata laying on my chest it was currently 5:00 so I woke up Hinata so we could get ready. "Baby time to wake up we have school~" Hinata then glared at me and shoved is head back into my chest. "I don't wanna get uuuuuup!" He sounded like a child. "But we have to it's a new day and we have volley soon" He then jumped out of bed and changed into his uniform I followed and changed as well. On the way there we held hands the whole time. We were still holding each others hands as we entered the gym. Everyone welcomed us then we got started with practice.

During practice we did teams of three and played three on three matches I ended up being with tsukishima and Hinata. They really hate each other. And honestly I kinda hate both of them. For are match we played against suga, Nishinoya, and Tanaka. The game was tied at 15 even and then we pulled a quick attack and scored to 16. We decided to take a break quickly and grab some water to take a drink. We sat down on the bench and realized for a few minutes. Hinata sat beside me and grabbed my butt... what a perv. "Babe your doing so good!" His voice sounded excited and high pitched, thats Hinata for you. He stood in front of me and kissed my forehead, then my noise, then my lips. I then grabbed him sat him on my right leg and gave him a peck on the forehead.

Hinata then rapped his arms around my neck a rested his head on my shoulder. I hugged him back then it was time to start again. Once we had gotten to 25 points and stole the game, we all decided (me trying to get out of it of course) to go to a hot spring, we all went home and got fresh clothes and put away are school stuff. We met in front of the school gate then each got into one of the third years cars and started heading to the hot spring. Once we got there we went to go change into a towel. Once I started changing Hinata walked in. "Hi babe! I just wanted to walk out with you!" He then came over grabbed my hand and started pulling me. Thankfully I had just finished changing and was safe from my towel falling down.

Once we got into the hot spring I sat next to tsukishima and Hinata and everybody asked if I was ok. I had forgotten my scars were showing but they weren't that all surprised since they had seen them before. "I think it's time I told you guys the truth..." Hinata stared at me eyes wide. "I've been getting rapped and abused..." everyone stared at me in shock Tsukishima yamaguchi and suga all hugged me while the rest of the team came over to do the same. I rested my head on suga's shoulder and just started crying. Once everyone was hugging Diachi asked "who's been doing this kageyama..." I stuttered to get the words out "I.. I don't.. wanna say..." I was souronded by people hugging me and I started feeling super uncomfortable and was breathing heavily. Hey everyone give him some space if he's getting rapped people touching him could make me scared." "Thanks Diachi was starting to feel uncomfortable..." everyone apologized and I told them it was ok. "Now kageyama back onto the point here... who's been doing this to you?...

Authors note:
OMGGGGGG I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I'm really busy with school right now but I promise I'm trying! Love you my little salties🧂 see you in the next chapter!

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