The Cathedral and the Lab

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The bus sped down the road, the ride feeling longer than normal, especially with the cathedral in sight; Leon took out his communicator and contacted Hunnigan about their current situation, the girls watching.

"90% of the population in Tall Oaks has been infected with the virus, that rounds up to about 70,000 hostiles", Hunnigan explained, "we also received word that an organization named "Neo-Umbrella" just claimed responsibility for the attack",

"Neo-Umbrella...", Leon muttered.

"I know what you're thinking", Hunnigan said,

"Yeah, this is Raccoon City all over again", Leon stated.

"That's all the news I got, now it's your turn to help me", Hunnigan explained, "I need to know what's in that cathedral, I've got suits breathing down my neck for info",

"Suits", Kyra asked.

"Specifically, Derek C. Simmons, National Security Advisor", Hunnigan stated, showing him to the three from afar through the screen; a few seconds later, the bus hit a zombie, causing it to swerve off the road and halfway off the ledge, where a huge horde of zombies began approaching the bus and attacking the remaining surviviors.

"Ah, shit", Leon muttered, the three shooting at the zombies that made their way onto the bus as it began falling over the cliffside.

"Guys, we're losing ground", Kyra stated as Leon looked around, trying to find a way out only to see a truck speeding down the road, zombies all over the hood, trying to find a way in.

"Grab hold of something", Leon shouted as the truck collided with the bus, sending it flying off the cliff; everyone going airborne as they looked around for something to grab, as Kyra's eyes darted around, the darkness turned into light as the flying glass shards turned into medical supplies, shaking her head to snap out of it, the doppelganger appeared, floating above her.

"Wake up",

Her surroundings faded as she found her eyes slowly opening, her arms were above her head, pressure on her wrists as she felt herself moving; looking up, Leon was moving her away from the crash site, his face turning as his eyes landed on her.

"Kyra, you alright", Leon asked, letting go of her wrists and kneeling down to help her sit up.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine", Kyra muttered, the three soon staring at the wreckage.

"They escaped the infection... only to die like this", Leon stated, helping Kyra onto her feet.

"There's no time to grieve, we have to get to the cathedral", Helena stated as the three began walking down the road, cutting through the zombie infested cemetery and reaching the cathedral... only for the doors to be locked.

"Hello, I know someone's in there, open up", Helena shouted.

"Are you crazy, those things will kill us", a man shouted.

"Look, it's just us, hurry up and let us in", Leon shouted as a horde of zombies began climbing over the gates.

"Bullshit I will, I can hear 'em out there", the man shouted, again, as the church bell began ringing.

"Church bells, they're asking for death at this rate", Kyra stated, anger in her tone.

"Just keep shooting, we've got company", Leon said as another horde of zombies climbed in; as they were shooting, they could hear a few survivors ordering someone to open the door, it wasn't long until the doors opened and the three ran inside.

"Are you...", a man began.

"Sorry guys, we're not rescue workers", Leon said as the survivors let out a sigh before moving to one of the many pews to sit down.

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