Saving Family

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"She got me", Simmons said, pulling and throwing down the vial, "well played",

"He's getting away", Helena stated, the three peeking out of cover to see Simmons limping away.

"Come on", Leon shouted as the three ran out of cover, quickly taking out the guards and reaching Simmons who fell onto a moving train.

"Simmons, get back here", Helena ordered, anger in her tone as the three jumped onto the train and ran after him, "We can't let him escape",

"We won't, we're ending this now", Leon stated.

"Let's get to the front and cut him off", Kyra said as everyone ran towards the front of the train, climbing onto the top of the car; Simmons stood on the edge of the front cart as the three ran up to him with their guns out.

"Give it up, Simmons, we've got you", Leon stated.

"You still chase me while that woman is on the loose", Simmons asked.

"What woman", Leon asked.

"That traitor, Ada Wong", Simmons stated, "who knows what she's got in store",

"Another team was sent after her", Kyra said, "but you, Simmons, you're all ours",

"Are you here to avenge the president, is that it, you fool", Simmons sneered, "had he disclosed the truth behind Raccoon City, the U.S. would have lost all its authority, and the global political order would have collapsed",

"So, to avoid one possible disaster, you created another, no matter how many people die", Helena asked in anger

"He had to be stopped, he was leading my country, and this world, into complete chaos", Simmons shouted before grunting in pain, holding his neck, "that woman... how dare she do this to me", he screamed out in pain, falling to his knees as smoke came off his skin before he burst into flames; but instead of going into a cocoon like the others, he shifted into a monster, a bioweapon.

"Damn you", Helena shouted, shooting at him, but he dodged, mutating into a dog-like monster, "damn you, damn you all, I'll kill you with my bare hands",


"We have to go back, they'll need our help", Luke stated as Lily ran out of the building; upon leaving the three, the four were ambushed and Jake told the two to leave.

"I'm not letting you get hurt", Lily explained as she set Luke down, "I believe they'll be fine, but as of right now, your mom and dad need our help",

"But where are they", Luke asked.

"Now that is an excellent question...", Lily mumbled, "if only I had a communicator or something, I'd be able to contact them easily",

"There has to be something around here that'll help us", Luke stated looking around the area.

"You're right, but we'll have to keep moving", Lily stated as the two moved forward.


"Did we kill him", Helena asked, looking down at Simmons' body; while the fight was tough, he finally fell.

"I don't know", Kyra said as Leon took a few steps forward, Simmons rose up from the ground without moving a limb and grabbed Leon's neck.

"Leon", both girls shouted in unison as he was thrown to another train on the opposite side of the tracks; shooting at Simmons, he mutated once again before jumping on the train Leon was on.

"Leon, run, he's coming for you", Kyra shouted as Leon began running away from him.

"Get off that train, we'll keep him occupied", Helena stated, the two shooting at him as Simmons began moving towards Leon; as he made it to the roof of the train car, both girls climbed up to the other.

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