Final day of training

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Amy was in the training grounds finishing up her final training for the day before she and her army went out to fight in the war. After she had finished she had grown quite famished of hunger and figured that she needed something to end her hunger.

When she got to the kitchen and got her food she hadn't noticed that Shadow had sat down next to her.
The sudden sound of his voice had caused her to send her head up in a jolt and look up at him. "Oh, hello Shadow what brings you here?"

"Well the same reason why your probably get some food. And there's something else that needs to be said..." He trailed off, just then the voice inside his head spoke up 'Just what do you think you're doing!?! Don't tell me your going to tell her that you have feelings for her!?!"
The voice asked Shadow as if he was crazy

The pink female was waiting patiently for him to speak again "Shadow? Are you going to say what you need to get out in the open?" She said with curiosity in her voice
The ebony male was pulled back into reality and regained his focus on her "Amy I..." He trailed off
"You idiot! You look like a fool in her eyes!" The voice quickly said to him just to make him loose confidence in himself

"You what?" Amy asked with curiosity in her voice

Shadow cleared his throat "I...just wanted to tell you personally good luck tomorrow." He said with a smile on his tan muzzle while he was in the middle of doing this he didn't notice that his hand was headed straight for her own and once he did he quickly stopped himself from that action from going any further.

"Oh...well thank you Shadow..." She said with a small smile and blush on her peach muzzle.

He knew that it would be harder than he thought to tell her his crush no his one true love that he would one day make his and only his how he really feels about her.

Amy was knew that something in her heart had changed but she still didn't know what it was so she decided to not think about it right now she needed to go over the battle plans one more time before tomorrow came.

Meanwhile Mephiles was in his throne room looking at the map and the possible routes that Sonics army could possibly take in order to attack from anywhere and that's when it hit him the perfect idea on how to make sure that he'd win and get to keep his kingdom while the blue idiot would fail and he'd have to give up his land and thus admitting defeat. "Perfect! With this plan I can't lose!" He said with an evil chuckle coming from his throat.
A/N:Oh No! Looks like Mephiles has a plan up his sleeve. Will Amy and her army be able to stop it? Tune in a find out any who I hope you enjoyed!

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