Amy runs away

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Once Amy got back to the castle and she put her horse up, she then met up with Silver.
"Amy, where were you? I've been waiting to talk to you about the upcoming war."

"I'm sorry Silver, I was on my way here whenever Shadow asked if I wanted to go on a ride with him and well I didn't want to-" She was then cut off by the male hedgehog "Amy it's ok what's important now is that your here and we can talk about the matter at hand." He said with a smile.

That's one of the things that Amy liked about him even though she was a little late he wasn't even mad at her
"So if you don't mind me asking what exactly happened on your ride?"
Amy should've known that he would ask this "Well it was going great until we were about to leave and then he..." She trailed off

Silver saw that something was bothering her "He what? Did he hurt you because if he did I'll-" The pink hedgehog interrupted him "No Silver he did hurt me...he just...well h-he kissed me." She said looking down at the ground

"He kissed you? Why'd he do that?" He asked sounding concerned

"That's just it I don't know why he did it maybe he was just nervous and wasn't thinking clearly, or-" She was cut off by the silver hedgehog
"Or it could very well be that he has feelings for Amy did you ever think of that?" Amy couldn't believe what he had said to her in fact she was so shocked that she just walked off with Silver so they could discuss the war.

A few minutes later Shadow had arrived and he saw that the pink female was nowhere to be seen in truth he felt awful and wished that he never did that to her. 'Why did I do that!? She probably never wants to see me again and who could blame her' He thought to himself 'I'll tell you why you did it you Idiot! You just had to make a bold move and by doing that you've just ruined your friendship with her for good' The voice said furiously at him.

He knew that the voice was right but his heart wasn't buying it and he knew the only of one green hedgehog who knew about these kinds of things would help him in a time like this and that hedgehog was Scourge.

A little while later after Amy and Silver had finished talking about battle plans, Amy made her way to her room and once she got their she went in and shut the door behind her, she knew it was late and that she go to sleep but she just couldn't not with all that was going on in her mind. "What I'm I gonna do? Maybe I that won't work." She thought out loud to herself and she was about to give up when a sudden idea entered her mind "That's it! That's what I'll do it's the only way to get away from all this...especially Shadow." She said as she started packing the things she needed.


After Amy had packed and made her way out to the stables she then quietly opened the door just to make sure that she wouldn't draw attention to herself, she then got on her trusted Clydesdale horse and with a flick of the reigns she galloped into the night. Unbeknown to her she was being watched by a red echidna
'What is she doing?! His majesty must be informed at once!' He thought to himself and with thought he quickly made his way to the throne room and didn't even bother to wait to get permission to enter.

Sonic looked and saw who it was "Knuckles what brings you here?" "Well...your majesty I bring you bad news..." he said while bowing

"And the bad news is?" He asked

"Well it appears that Amy who is Captain of the Knights, has apparently ran off."
Sonics face quickly turned serious "She what..."
A/N:Another cliffhanger? That's right I'm leaving you in suspense again I'm so evil! Jk xD Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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