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Over the past year Amy and Shadow have gotten to know each other quite well and that their love for one another had grown stronger then ever before. Silver and Blaze had even discovered that they're going to be parents it surprised the silver hedgehog so much that it caused him to faint. Sonic had also found love with a lavender female hedgehog with blue eyes and whose name was Alicia. As for Scourge he ended up going on new journeys, but he still lived at the castle.

One day Amy and Shadow were out on one of their daily rides, which was good news for the ebony male because that meant he had Amy all to himself and could ask her something really important. Lucky for him they stopped for to rest. "...Rose you do know that King Sonic is having a celebration in honor of the war being over... and well I was wondering...if you were going to attend?" He said to the pink female

Amy on the other hand knew that he'd ask her this sooner or later. "Yes I was very much aware of the celebration, and I was planning on attending, but since you asked me to go as your date I'd love to." She said as she nuzzled his muzzle and let out a soft purr. Shadow couldn't help to lower his ears due to the fact that her purrs made him calm down.

A few days later everyone including Shadow and Amy were getting ready for the party which was tonight. Amy had decided to wear her pink quills up in a bun but left her bangs as they were. Her dress was the same one she had worn to the ball, but this time she didn't wear the matching gloves.

Meanwhile Shadow was outside in the courtyard and he was also a little nervous about tonight not because Amy and him were going to the party together, but because tonight was the night that he was going to propose to her. He knew that he wanted to make the pink female his wife but the thought of her rejecting him entered his mind. He couldn't stand the thought of that so he quickly shook that negative thought out of his mind. Just then he felt a hand on his right shoulder "Don't worry Shadow, she'll say yes I'm sure of it." Said Silver
Shadow almost jumped out of his skin but when he saw that it was only Silver he went to his usual self.

"What makes you so sure she will?" The ebony male asked with his eyebrow raised

"Trust me when I tell you this, I've never seen Amy so happy with someone until you came into her life and believe me I saw how sad she was when you were wounded so I'm sure of that she'll say yes." The silver hedgehog said with a smile on his face

( 2 hrs later)
Once the celebration had started Amy, and Shadow saw how pretty the ballroom looked with decorations, but Shadow had his Crimson eyes on something far more beautiful then any decorations and Amy must've felt his eyes on her "Shadow? W-why are you looking at me like that?" She said nervously.

Shadow wrapped his strong arms around her waist, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, Rose?" He said as he kissed her cheek causing the pink female to blush.

"Yes, Shadow you have told me that, but why does-" Shadow cut her off and said "Come on, I have something to show you." He said as he took her hand.

Once they reached the place Shadow was taking her, he saw how his Rose's Emerald gems lit up with joy "Shadow why did you bring me here?" She asked with a small smile on her peach muzzle

He didn't say anything to her and she got a little confused as to what he was doing, but once Amy saw him get down on one knee and take ahold of her left hand she knew exactly what was happening "Shadow...?" She asked him while covering her mouth with her right hand.

The ebony male took a deep breath before he spoke "Rose, I didn't know exactly what love was before I met you, but you've shown me what it is and I love you so much that I can't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else but you. What I'm trying to say is, Amy Rose will you marry me?" He said as red eyes met green ones.

Amy was now crying tears of joy and answered "Yes! A thousand times yes Shadow!" She said with joy in her voice as Shadow slid the ring on her finger. Shadows heart felt like it was about to burst.

"I love you Shadow The Hedgehog." Amy said while her fiancé pulled her into his arms.

"I love you too Rose, and don't you ever forget that." He said as he nuzzled her bangs and nipped her ear earning a deep blush from his fiancée.

Once the two newly engaged hedgehog couple returned to the party Blaze and Silver were the first ones to notice that something seemed different about the two that were standing before them and that's when it clicked in the lilac cats mind, "Wait a second... Shadow did you... PROPOSE TO AM-" The feline was quickly shushed by Amy "Blaze, we don't want word getting out about us being engaged to get out just yet." The pink female said

Silver was so happy that Shadow finally popped the question "Shadow I swear if you don't treat her right I'll-" the silver hedgehog was cut off by Amy. "Don't worry Silver he wont believe me and if he does I'll make sure your the first to know." She said with a chuckle.

Shadow knew that she was only kidding and couldn't help to think how lucky he was to have Amy in his life. In truth he loved her so much that he wouldn't trade her for the world.

Meanwhile while the four Mobians continued to talk, Sonic and Alicia knew about Amy and Shadows engagement that they made their way over to congratulate the two.

Amy and Shadow were busy enjoying each other's company that both their heads quickly shot up when they heard someone clear their throat.

"King Sonic, Queen Alicia how lovely it is to see the two of you." Amy said with a smile on her peach muzzle

"Captain Amy Rose and Rider Shadow The Hedgehog I presume?" Said the lavender queen

"That is correct, what can we do for you your highness?" The two said in Union

"Alicia and I just wanted to congratulate the two of you personally on your engagement." The cobalt King said with a smile

As the celebration grew to an end Amy and Shadow could only think about their upcoming wedding.
A/N:Awe!!! There you have it the biggest Shadamy moment in this story and I hoped you enjoyed reading! I don't own STH.

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