• Alone •

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Severus stared at the door, contemplating whether he should go in or not. His hand reached for the door handle, and he was trembling, something that the Potions Master was not used to. He was always calm and collected, with his stone cold look on his face but that day was different for him.

He was scared. The fear was suffocating him, and he knew he had to walk in to overcome his fears. He had to see you, he could not go on another day without seeing you, knowing that perhaps it would be the last time he could see you.

He slowly opened the door, and a soft smile was cracked on his lips once he saw your sleeping figure in bed. However, it tugged on his heartstrings when he could see that you were pale and thinner, you looked so tired and weak that he wanted to do nothing but gather you in his arms, telling you that it was going to be alright.

Tear blurred his vision, and he was going to leave when your eyes fluttered open, smiling weakly at him.


Your voice was small and fragile, but it was still the most beautiful thing he has ever heard. The way you said his name, like it was meant to be, and he wondered how could he live without hearing your angelic voice.

"Sev, stop!"

He ignored you as he continued to throw snowballs towards your direction, your laughter was honey to his ears, showing him that you were happy. You were not giving up easily, throwing another snowball towards your husband but he dodged it easily, a smirk was dancing on his face.

"You're so mean."

You mumbled, crossing your arms against your chest. Severus grinned at you, something that you could only see when you were only with him. But you knew him too well to know the meaning behind his mischievous grin, making you run from him but he was quick to catch you.

"Let me go!"

You laughed, as he threw you over his shoulder. You punched his back playfully, knowing that it would not affect him at the slightest bit. Severus carried you back inside, putting you down on your feet, his smirk never disappeared from his face.

"Are you mad at me?"

He asked, raising his eyebrows. You wanted to send him a glare, but a chuckle escaped your lips and you stood on your tiptoes, pulling him down by his shirt to kiss him. Severus immediately kissed you back, loving how perfect your lips were moving with his, and he could kiss you forever if he wanted to.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

Your voice shook his from his train of thoughts, and he walked towards you almost immediately, sitting in your bed. You instinctively snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, sighing in content when you inhaled his scent. It made you feel so safe and loved, those feelings that only him could give to you.

"I thought you weren't coming."

You looked up at him, your eyes were glistening with tears. Severus smiled sadly, shaking his head at your words. He was a coward, he thought. The love of his life was battling against a killer disease, fighting to live, and yet he was too scared to accept the reality.

He was scared if he see you, he would break down, and he never wanted you to see him so weak while he was supposed to give you strengths to live.

"I'm here, love. I'll never leave you alone."

He whispered, kissing your head lovingly, tightening his arms around you but careful enough not to hurt you. Severus was really scared if he was hurting you, because he knew that you were already suffering so much and he could not do anything to help you.

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