• Disposable Love •

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young! severus x reader
with a little bit of
adult! severus x reader

Severus stared at you who was sitting next to him, guilt crawled over his chest when your eyes that used to be sparkling in excitement were now glistened in tears of dejection, your lips quivered as no words could be utter out, the silence was slowly killing him as he knew you were heartbroken to even say anything.

"It wasn't meant to come this far, I swear."

He muttered, his wounding words stabbed you in the heart even deeper, leaving a hole that was permanent and could never be healed by anybody else.

"So you just wanted to use me?"

You asked, voice breaking as a tear rolled down upon your cheek, shattering Severus' heart as he had never seen you cry before. He never knew how painful it was to see your tears because of him, and now he started to regret his decision, wanting nothing more but to gather you in his arms and tell you that he was sorry with everything he said.

"No, Y/N. It's not like that—"

"Am I that disposable to you?"

You cut him off, anger was clouding your mind as you glared at Severus, the one who you thought as the love of your life, but he had the audacity to steal your heart and crush it with his bare hands, throwing your love away like it meant nothing to him.

Perhaps you really meant nothing to him.

"You're not disposable to me, Y/N."

He stated sternly, hoping that you would understand how precious you were in his eyes. But he knew it was hard to make you believe his words, considering of how long he had been lying to you, and he was a fool for not letting you know the truth. He never meant to use you, or hurt you, but it was too late for him to see how bad he was causing you pain.

"I can't believe that you were toying with my heart."

You shook your head, wiping your tears that started to stream down your face freely, exposing of how devastated you were, even if it seemed like Severus would not care about how hurt you were.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You're not supposed to know this way."

He apologised, trying to reach out for your hand, but you were quick to slap his hand away. You were disgusted, and you did not want to be touched by him, not after you discovered that he did not love you like he always said, it was merely an act that he pulled on to make you believe in his story and you did.

"I'm nothing but a bet to you. It's a good thing I overheard it from them or else I would be a fool for believing your lies forever."

You spat, venom was dripping from your voice, making Severus winced at how hostile you sounded to him and it was so unlike you. You were so gentle and kind with your words, careful not to hurt anyone and especially him.

The Marauders made a bet with Severus, that if he could make a girl fall in love with him, he would win and James would leave Lily alone. That particular girl they chose was you, knowing that you had never cared about those flirty comments that were sent to you, you rejected boys who wanted you politely and everyone knew you were not looking for love while you were in school.

They were sure that Severus would lose because they would never expect that you would fall in love with him. But you did, you fell in love with Severus Snape blindly, without knowing that he was using you to get to Lily, as naive as it might sound but it happened. You never thought he was the kind of person who would use you for his own good, and he broke your trust.

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