• Ghost Of You •

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"Y/N, where are you, my love?"

Severus walked into his office to find you. He had to spend his day teaching those students that clearly did not want to be taught, and now he wanted nothing more than to be with you.

"Y/N, darling, please do not hide."

He was tired and he wanted to see that sweet smile of yours. He heard your giggle and he quickly saw you.

"Hi, Severus."

You greeted him as soon as he saw you. He sighed happily and a smile creeped on his face— You were the only person who was worthy of his smiles and laughter. The burden on his shoulders lifted up a bit when he met you. You always managed to make him feel calm and protected, as if nothing in the world could break him when you were there.

"Hi, love. Oh I've been looking for you everywhere."

He said, a sigh of content escaping his lips. You chuckled and watched as he plopped down in his chair. You leaned against the wall, smiling as you looked at him.

"How was your day?"

You asked, your smile had never left your face. He rolled his eyes and let out an frustrated groan. Just by his gestures, you knew he had a bad day.

"I just want to see you. You keep me sane, Y/N."

He chuckled heartily, grateful for every second of his life that he got to spend with you, loving you and being loved by you. You shrugged and was going to say something but stopped when you heard someone was coming to his office.


Minerva boomed as she walked into the Potions Master's office. Severus groaned and shook his head, not liking the idea that the older professor was there with him.

"What do you want?"

He hissed. Severus was not trying to be rude, but he hated it when his moments with you were interrupted. Minerva looked around and noticed that Severus was alone there in the office, like usual, isolating himself from others. It had been going on for so long that it shattered her old heart.

"You need to go out sometimes, Severus. You can't just keep sitting here alone. It doesn't help you."

She advised, clearly she was getting worried about the professor. Severus stood up from his chair and looked at you before looking back at McGonagall.

"I'm not alone, Minerva. And I don't need help."

He warned. Minerva shook his head in disagreement. She couldn't stand any of this anymore. The pain and agony that had been woven in Severus's heart, she could not just let it be.

"I love to be here in my office. It is my comfort and being with the love of my life, Y/N is—"

"Severus, stop!"

She yelled. Severus was taken aback, but he kept his face straight. He won't let Minerva got under his skin. He turned to look at you and you smiled, melting his cold heart.

"She's not here with us, Severus Snape. Face it!"

Minerva felt the agony of losing you as well— such a young and beautiful professor that life had been taken away from you far too soon, but she knew Severus was far worse than her. Severus has been talking to you, while you weren't even there.

"Minerva, what are you talking about?"

Severus raised his eyebrows. His anger was bubbling inside his chest. How dare McGonagall said something like that? And she said those words when you were there. You were always there with him. You had never left.

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