Chapter 6

852 33 41

No Pov

In the Gryffindor room...

The SCPs were woken up by a prefect.
Telling them that they had 20 mins before class started.

Not that they didn't mind.

049 was the first to stand up and brush off his 'normal clothes' that he bought. He still wore his mask, but there was no need for him to eat or drink, so he went into his doctors bag and pulled out a book about,

'pain français!!'

049 opened the book and started reading.

"What are you reading there?"

049 turned around and found the brown-haired girl.

Heromine was it?

"Oh! Its just a useful book about medicines"

049 replied.

"Guys we should hurry or were gonna be late for class!" Said 096.

"Well, looks like we should be going." Heromine smiled. :)

" We should indeed" 049 put his book back in his doctors bag.

Heromine smiled while walking out.

'What a weird girl' thought 049.

As Heromine got out of 049s sight she then began to think to herself. These are the weirdest students I met! One wears a plauge mask and the other a comedy!  It is making me curious...

What is behind Damus' mask?


Lets find out... :)


"So...whats first on our timetable?" Asked 035.

035 and 049 were walking in the halls,seeing other students walking by.

"Ummmm...lets see..."049 took the paper out of his cloak, " It looks like we have Charm first."

"Cool... where is it?" Asked 035.

"I don't know, it says that we have it with that short professor."

"Ah! Right!"

They countinued on walking in a comfortable silence, until they reached the Charms room.
The two boys soon opened the door, and they surrprisingly saw scp 096 already inside.

"How did you get here do fast?" Asked 035.

"Magic~" 096 replied.

"I did aswell."

"Oh jesus--" exclaimed 035.

"Hey bi***es what'd I miss?"

"Wha- how? When?" Asked 035, but he was soon interupted by the Charms professor.

"Alright everyone! Sit down, sit down." He exclaimed.

The students soon took their seats. The scps soon noticed Draco Malfoy in a mini cast in the room, looking warily at scp 173.

"Anyways... welcome to Charms! My name is Mr Flitwork and I would be your Charms Professor for the rest of the year." Mr Flitwork explained, "The first spell I will teach you is the Wingardium Leviosa spell. And what does this spell do exactly?"

No one put their hand up except Hermione.

"Yes you." Mr Flitwork pointed to Hermione.

"The spell allows objects to float." Hermione replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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