Chaper 1

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SCP 049 (POV)

I was working on my work as usual, to cure the pestilence. Sadly, they wont give me anymore humans for I caused a huge... 'discomfort'in the area. It wasn't technically my fault that my work fails.

Anyway... I was curing on a monkey while the scientists behind the window were observing me carefully trying to figure out what I was doing. Since that none of them can read my book they just simply watch me working. It is nice to have some company I guess?

I was curing on my subject, until I heard a loud alarm ringing through the building. A security breach.
As I lifted my head from my work I heard from the speakers.

"Attention this is a security breach, SCP 173 has escaped please head to the nearest exi- *crack*......."

There was a loud crack at the end. This made the scientists go crazy and started running for their lives. As the air turned into a blood red.

Soon I heard the doors open from  behind me nows my chance. I took the opportunity to escape and look for the others in our usual meet up place.

SCP 035 ( POV )

It was dark in my room as the scientists were taking notes of my behaviour. Man can those guys take a break?

Due to my many escape attempts in the past they no longer gave me hosts or any body in fact. They are just letting me lay there in the middle of the room being surronded by glass.

Today is going to be boring. I thought.

Boy was I wrong.

As soon as I thought of that there was a loud alarm ringing through the facility. A securiy breach. Perfect!

"Attention this is a security breach, SCP 173 has escaped please head to the nearest exi- *crack*......."

Off- well... he died. The lights suddenly turned red as screams echoed through the hallways. Man! Did I want to join that.

*few minutes later*

I have been sulking in this room for what seemed like forever and still no sign of a person. I am starting to get a bit irritated.

Thats when I heard the door open. As I turned around to see who it was. I saw a D-class squirming around my room like an insect trying to get away from the madness going on outside.

He was average hight with gingerbread hair and had ocean-like eyes. And of course wore that hideous orange clothes.

This is my chance! As soon as he noticed me he had an urge to wear me and as soon as he did I simply made him my host. I checked my host's pockets and- BINGO! A level 4 cleareance card right at my finger tips. Now I just need to find the others.

SCP 096 ( POV )

I was sitting at the edge of my corner, clawing at my face as usual that was until I heard a loud booming sound erupt from behind me.

Gosh! What the-

As I listened closer to the sound I realised that it was the alarm for yhe security breach.

"Attention this is a security breach, SCP 173 has escaped please head to the nearest exi- *crack*......."

Ohh... looks like 173 escaped...again...
anyway, maybe today will finally be the day I get to escape from the death sentences these scientists put me through.

Suddenly, the doors opened behind me causing the red flashing lights from outside peek through my room. As I slowly walked outside a D-class saw my face. I started to panic going into my rage state.

I then ran after him. Killing him in the process, sooner or later screams started erupting as I killed them off one by one.

I need to meet my friends.

SCP 106 ( POV )

I was staying dormant in my pocket dimension while playing around with my hosts.

It was funny to see them run and scream. It was just hilarious. Sadly, it was getting quite boring since I have been playing with them for 2 days since my last capture. So, I decided to throw them out. And as I did I saw that the walls had turned blood red.

Woah- what did I miss?

I soon heard a males voice saying...

"Attention this is a security breach, SCP 173 has escaped please head to the nearest exi- *crack*......."

A security breach! I could get more hosts while I'm out here and I need to meet with the others!


As the SCPs met up in their usual place ,which was in a out of use storage room, they realised someone was missing...


As the SCPS turned around to see a tired 035.
All the Scps sighed. Of course it was him.

"I was stuck in my room trying to find a host."

"Thats okay 035," 035 turned his head to see 049 looking down at him.

Damn when did he get tall? 035 thought and chuckled a bit.

049 rolled his eyes and turned to the rest of the SCPs which were including:


They would casually come in here to think of a plan to escape since that the camera never worked. Because 096 smashed it...

But as days went past they learned the
Foundations layouts and even explored places they never knew exsisted. During these breaches the found a hidden tunnel in the foundation which was probably abandoned due to it collapsing.

But as they were planning their escape they didn't realise that there was an orange slime in the corner watching them.

*A thoughtful time skip*

As they reached the tunnel they were estatic and a bit scared to know what was on the other side.

They don't know what changed or how much has changed!
Either way they knew that at the other end they would leave the walls and teleport somewhere safe and far away from here.

They slowly crept throuh the tunnel try to not disturb the tunnel in any way that might alert the foundation that they were here.

As they countinued walking throuh the 'hallways' they could've sworn they heard something, but decided to ignore it, after all it was an old cave that no one used... right?

As they kept on walking they heard a slugish noise behind them. They stopped and stayed still to hear.

"Did anyone hear that?" 049 reported

"Your not the only one." 106 commented.

They all nodded.

They knew that they were not alone and whoever was following them could lead them back to where they came from.

096 covered his face not wanting to know what was behind him, while 173 turned around trying to scan the area.

"I'm going to check it out." He whispered.

"WHAT! are you crazy!?" 035 loudly- whispered back.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll just snap it's neck and were good to go." He replied back.

"But it might be one of the guards or worse the alpha force." 035 shuddered at the thought.

"It's probrably a D-class I'll be fine."

"...FINE! Just don't get us in trouble or were doomed!"

173 scoffed. And turned to the darkness behind him to see what was in there.

Sorry I am new to writing.

Plz tell me if you want more!

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