Chapter 3

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There was a knock on the window.

The SCPS turned their heads to the window wondering what it was and what they saw confused them. Outside was an owl. And it kept continuing knocking on the window.

"Should we open it?" 035 asked.

Everyone shrugged.

"Don't worry it'll go away soon." 049 replied.


5 minuets later

The owl was still knocking on the window and it was becoming quite annoying for the SCPs.

" UGH! SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP!" shouted 035.

Everyone nodded and turned to 049.
049 sighed.

" Fine... I'll open it."

049 walked up to the window proceeding to open it for the owl to come inside trying his best not to touch it.

As the owl came inside it left a letter on the floor and left.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"All this time of waiting AND tapping...It gave us a letter?" 035 said very irritated by the fact that they should've opened it by the first place.

He was mad at 049.

"Well the owl certainly didn't waste it's time knocking if so, it would've left ages ago. Lets open the letter." 049 stated.

As 049 opened the letted a bright light blocked their view causing 049 to drop the letter to cover his eyes.

As the letter slowly picked itself up into the air a purple smoke covered the SCPS.

It was very thick and caused them to cough, but Scp 173 just stared at them while something was different.

As they slowly opened their eyes sonething odd happened. Everything was bigger. A lot bigger. Except 096 who was still taller than them.

Then they heard a scream.

They turned their heads to the corner expecting to see 173 instead a little boy with blond hair, but had the same face markings as 173.

"173?" 035 asked, "Is that you?"

173 nodded while standing up. Then realized.

"I can still move without you looking at me!" 173 exclaimed, " And talk, and walk around....this is heaven,"

173 looked at the other SCPS.

"Uhhh why do you look like 11 year olds?" He asked.

The others were shocked and looked at themselves. He was right they were children again.

"Wait wheres 106?" 035 asked.

"Over here!"

The SCPS turned their heads  to find Scp 106 in the corner huddled up.

But he looked diffrent... he wasn't goopy anymore instead he had black hair with ocean eyes. And was slightly tanned.

" Wow... you look diffrent. " 035 explained.

"You do too." Replied 106.

035 was a bit confused. He touched his face his mask was still there, but what was missing?

035 thought and then.

"MY GOOB IS GONE!" Screamed 035 with excitement. 035 touched his face again, " Kinda... I still have some on my eyes and mouth."


The Scps turned around and found the letter floating in the air.

"Do not be afraid I mean no harm."

The Scps stopped and turned to look at the letter.

"You have been accepted into Hogwarts"

"Hog-what now?" 106 asked.

"Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and wizardry, srudents will be required to the Chamber of reception upon arrival please make sure you have all your personal belongings with you. Term begins at Febuary 25. At that day go to platform 9 3/4 at Kings cross station.

P.s you will need these few items at these places heres how to go there. "

The letter then dropped to the ground. 049 picked up the letter and saw a list of things for this school.

"It looks like we need some books, cauldrons and a few wands." 049 said reading of the list.

"You know this is cool and all, but how would we get the money?" 035 asked.

The Scps turned to 106 holding a sleeping 999.

106 looked at them confused.

"What?" He said.

"Do you think that when we go to this store you can maybe... pick pocket a few people along the way." 173 stated.

106 looked at them for a few minuets then grinned.

"Of course I can and I would love to see their reactions when I pull them into the pocket dimension, it will be so fun!" He said slowly being filled with excitement.

049 nodded then slowly walked towards 106. He handed him a paper and said,

"Do you think you can take us to this addresse."

106 read the paper then put it into his pocket.

"Of course I can." He said smiling widely.

106 snapped his fingers and the Scps slowly descended into the pocket dimension below them.

Tell me if you want more!

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