CHAPTER 1 - I Miss You, Always..

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Note: The story will continue 3 years after They graduate from School and after Lee Suho went to US. (Exactly after episode 14 of the drama and beginning of eps 15 when Jukyung broke up and Seojun become closer to Jukyung for about 1 year, then Seojun left to LA)

Han Seojun P.O.V

His phone ring again.. this time Seojun needs to answer it, he left his laptop and pick up the call.

"Eumm.. eomma wae?"

"YA HAN SEOJUN! Why did u just answer my call now? I've been calling you 5 times"

"Eomma, you don't need to shout, I hear you."

"I was worried that you are not answering my call, anyway... next week is lunar new year, you are coming back home right? I will cook your favorite food."

"I don't know mom if I can go back home next week."


"YA, Han Go Woon! Don't shout like that to your brother!" suddenly seojun's heart beating fast hearing Jukyung name.

"Whatever, if you're not coming back, I will erase you from our family registration card!" Go Woon start threaten her brother.

"Do you think I will be scared because of that?"

"Stop stop it. Seojun-ah, mom really hope you can go back home and celebrate lunar new year with us. Don't force yourself too much, I know you have been missing your home and family too honey."

"Okay mom, I will try to arrange my schedule for next week. I gotta go now, bye I love you mom."

Seojun hang up and put his phone on the table and he lean his head to the sofa observe intently to his bed room's roof.

Hearing Jukyung's name in a long time still makes him trembling. He really hopes Jukyung find her own happiness after what Suho did to her last time. Hearing the news that Jukyung gotta compete in a make-up artist competition also makes him excited, it's been Jukyung's longtime dream to get a gold certificate. Is this really the time to go back and meet her? As a friend?

Seojun open his phone and checking a flight schedule to Seoul next week, after checking it, he sends a short message to his manager telling that he will be coming back home for vacation.

"Hyung, i will go back to Seoul next week. Just give me 1 week to rest, after that i gotta back to LA. Thanks." He click the send button, after that he turn off his phone and goes sleep.


Im Jukyung's P.O.V

Jukyung has finished her class today, and clean up her stuff to go back home. Today class feel so long because she needs to focus practicing for the competition next week. Jukyung needs to memorize all the theory lesson she learn today, that makes her head gonna burst out. Jukyung walking to the bus station bring her make-up container gifted by her mom. When she was waiting for the bus to come, she saw something distracting her on the LED screen across the road.

That was a Commercial Film of a luxury clothing brand, but the thing that distract Jukyung the most is not about the CF but the model......... Han Seojun.......

Seojun looking handsome as always, he is really meant to be a model and artist, he looks so chic and masculine on that CF. Jukyung doesn't realized that she is too focus to the CF on the LED screen.

"Seojun... how are you doing there? hope you are good, because i'm doing good here." Jukyung talk to herself while looking at the LED screen across the road and smiling alone. The bus has come and Jukyung get on the bus going back home. Inside bus, Jukyung open her phone and open her gallery to see the picture of today's class, while she was scrolling the gallery, the graduation picture of her and Seojun pop out. Jukyung look at that picture deeply. Suddenly her memory of high school back again.

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