CHAPTER 5 (LAST) - Let's we start it together!

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Jukyung P.O.V

After went out with Seojun, Jukyung back to her house safely. She is taking shower, remove her make-up and now she is laying on her bed while staring into her room's roof.

Seojun's words keep haunting her. She keeps thinking about Seojun who will be back to LA the day after tomorrow, and she doesn't know when will Seojun back to Korea and when will they gonna meet again.

"What should I do?" when Jukyung was thinking, suddenly Soo Ah calls her. Jukyung pick up the phone.

"Hello? Eo.. Soo Ah ya?"

"Im jju~~ what are you doing?" ask Soo Ah.

"Just.. laying down, why are you calling at this time?"

"Im Jju, I heard Seojun will be back to LA soon?"

"Yeah.. he said the day after tomorrow he will fly to LA again."

"When will he back to Korea?"

"Molla (don't know), he said it's not easy after he released the album."

"Awww.. he leaves too soon.. Im Jju, do you know when I saw Seojun for the first time after 3 years at your competition that day, I think he really still think a lot about you and he cares about you even after he left. I saw him still bringing along his luggage as soon as he landed to meet you. Wow Han Seojun is so something. Im Jju, do you remember 3 years ago he also never skipped your important day? I just realized it now, he always there to give you a support, also everytime you drunk with us hahahahaha Han Seojun is the one who always pick you up and carried you on his back to bring you home, and you always throw up to his clothes hahaha, poor him, but he thinks it's fun to always help you, I don't understand him at all. He is so weird."

Jukyung is silent, she is in a blank state when she is listening to Soo Ah.

"Im Jju!! Oh My God, I just realized it... Han Seojun must be liking you so much right? He likes you so much since 3 years ago??!! OMG what? No no, why I just realized it now?? He always being super kind only to you, he is always act cold to me and other kids but not with you, waaahhh Soo Ah you're so stupid, ya Im Jukyung, did you realized it too???? What should you do?? I don't think you have a feeling for him right? You must reject him before he leaves to LA, he should move on right Jukyung?"

"Soo ah ya.... Thank you. I think I should tell him about my feeling too."

"Yes right, go reject him don't make him wait for another year."

"No. I will tell him I like him too."


"Thank you Soo Ah ya, because of you I won't let him go."

"Whaatt?? Jukyung what do you mean?"

"Mian (sorry), later I will tell you, bye Soo Ah."

Jukyung immediately send a message to Han Seojun after she hang up Soo Ah Call. Without hesitation anymore Jukyung really needs to say something important to Seojun.

'Han Seojun, do you have time tomorrow? Let's meet at 3PM at the park near my academy. I have something to say.'

After click send button. Jukyung leaves the phone and she is trying to sleep.

Han Seojun P.O.V

He was about to fall asleep but then his phone ringing, a message just arrives from Im Jukyung.

Seojun immediately wake up and open the message.

He is smiling while reading the short message from Jukyung. Im Jukyung wants to meet him tomorrow and she said she gonna say something. But suddenly his smile faded away, he is thinking for the worst probability. What if Jukyung wants to reject his feeling?

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