CHAPTER 2 - It's Been a Long Time!

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Jukyung P.O.V
Today is the big day for Jukyung, because today is the day she will totally all out of her strength and her brain so that today she gonna win the competition.

Jukyung wake up, actually she couldn’t sleep well last night because of the competition today. Jukyung open her phone and read all the cheer up message from her friends, one of them is Soo Ah.

“Im Jukyung! Fighting for today! Go go go, you can do it! Don’t forget to eat a lot before coming to the competition, don’t be nervous, me and Taehoon will be there! See ya later!”

Jukyung smiling widely after reading the message, she is so happy that Soo Ah still there for her. Jukyung getting up and took a shower, after took a shower, she opens her wardrobe and choose pink dress for her outfit today, she curled her hair and start to putting some make up to her face. As expected the expert of make-up Im Jukyung.

Im Jukyung looking so pretty like always, she goes downstairs to eat some breakfast before going to the competition venue. When Jukyung goes downstairs she is so startled with what she saw in front of her now, her sister, brother, mother and father all dressing like they gotta attend a wedding ceremony.

“Eomma…. Appa… eonni… Juyeong ah…. What happened? Where are you going in this early morning?”

“Noona, we are going to your competition! We are so ready to celebrate your winning, and we will be on national TV right? So we should dress up like this.” Said Juyeong while rubbed His suit.

“Uri ddal (our daughter) today is your big day, so we must attend looking elegant and high class for you, uri ddal will be on national TV, so her family should be there too right? Hohohohoho..” said Jukyung’s mom while ….

Jukyung face palm.

“Stop stop!! STOOPP! Eomma, appa, eonni, Juyeong ah.. this competition has limited audience, and all are VIP audience, you all please just stay at home watching from TV okay?”

“What? Why didn’t you tell us? No problem eonni will buy the VVIP ticket for us.”

“No no no Eonni please stop. Just stay at home don’t make me embarrassed, pleaseeeeeeee… okay?”

After convinced her family to not come along with her, finally Jukyung could eat her breakfast and she is ready to go to the venue.
Im Heekyung, her sister drove her to the venue.
They arrived at the venue.

“Jukyung, FIGHTING!!! GO GO GO JUKYUNG!” Hee kyung cheering for Jukyung.

“Eonni, thank you... please pray for me! And I’ll make sure to bring the certificate back home.”

“Yes, of course my sister is the best, I will pray hard with mom and dad at home. Go now, you will be late.”

“Thanks eonni.. drive safely, bye!” Jukyung hugs her sister and get out of the car. She walks inside the venue with full confidence.

Han Seojun P.O.V

-1 day before Jukyung’s competition day-

Seojun arrived at the LAX airport, brought his 1 luggage and he was accompanied by his manager.

“Seojun, you promised me only 1 week right? 7 days? After that you will be back to LA?” ask Andy Hyung his manager.

“Hyung, how many times should I tell you? I promised only 7 days. I just need to meet my family and greet some friends. and say hi and sorry to someone.”

“What? Say sorry? To who?”

“Aniya, nothing. I will go to the boarding room now, thank you hyung for drove me here.”

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