CHAPTER 3 - A Confession?

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"Here drink this." Seojun offering Jukyung a hot cappuccino. They are sitting at the café right now. It's really been a long time to talk face to face together.

"Thanks." Jukyung sip the cappuccino.

Suddenly everything become so quiet for about 2 minutes. They are feeling kind of awkward, maybe it because they haven't meet or talk for long time.

"So... I heard you were so popular now at your university?"

"Hmm yeah, maybe. Who tells you? Kim Chorong?" ask Jukyung.

"Yeah.. haha.. haha.. Chorong has really big mouth like his tummy."

Jukyung is smiling.

"Why don't you ask me directly?" Ask Jukyung again.

"I'm afraid you won't reply me or pick up my phone."

"I think that should be me who said like that?"

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"I never contact you because I was afraid you will reject me, I kind of traumatized."

"Hey I am not that jerk Su....."

"It's okay. Never mind, forget it. Now that you are here, I think you should tell me what happened with you in LA? Already got LA girl?? How many girlfriends you have dated?"

"LA girl is not my style. I was busy learning music, learning English, recording, producing music and others. How about you, how many Yonsei boys you have dated already?"

"There's many." Seojun is shocked by Jukyung's answer, he choked on his coffee.

"Aniya, there's no one attracted me at all. But I have been to several blind date too, and yeah, I am too good for them. Hihi. Anyway, can I listen to your song?"

"Yeah sure, the song will be released next month. Here, you can listen to it, you are the first one to listen."


"Yeah, special for Im Jukyung." Seojun hand over his phone to Jukyung, and Jukyung put the earphone to listen the song quietly.

After listen to the song, Jukyung give back the phone to Seojun.

"What is your idea of making that song? It sounds good, healing, and kind of sad lyric but overall it's good. I like it."

"The idea is a story about my friend's friend who was afraid of telling the girl he likes that he loves her, he was afraid that the girl will be uncomfortable and keeping their distance, in the end my friend's friend only can watch the girl from a far." Explained Seojun to Jukyung.

"I think your friend's friend is not afraid the girl will avoid your friend's friend, your friend's friend is just doesn't want to try and act like a coward, your friend's friend should have try first because nobody know the result right?"

"No, my friend's friend is not a coward, my friend's friend is just doesn't want to lose her, that's it.. so..."

"Ah okay stop. I don't want to talk about your friend's friends story. I need to go now. Soo Ah has been waiting for me to go. Anyway, welcome back Han Seojun."

Jukyung was about to go and leave her seat, but then Seojun stopped her.

"Jukyung ah."

"Hmm wae??"

"Do you have any plan for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is weekend, I have no class, probably I will go shopping some make-up with Soo Ah, why?"

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