CHAPTER 4 - A Little Flashback..

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Seojun P.O.V

It's been 3 days already after Seojun's sudden confession to Jukyung. And Jukyung hasn't called Seojun yet since that day. Jukyung must be shock and feeling so uncomfortable.

Seojun is feeling so anxious and uneasy. He is at Chorong's ttokboki restaurant right now to ask some advice.

"So what will you do? Just let her go then back to LA?"

"She hasn't answered me yet."

"You said that she didn't need to answer????" Chorong become so high tension suddenly.

"Ah right. But why I'm feeling so uneasy right now? She hasn't calling me since that day. What if she hates me because of my confession?? What if she is feeling uncomfortable?? AAAHHHH KIM CHORONG HELP ME."

"YA HAN SEOJUN! Aigoooo please stop act like a kid, just call her or meet her directly to check it, I am not the one who you confessed."

"Right. I should meet her and apologize about what I'm saying."

"You don't need. Actually you should ask her if she wants to accept you or not."

"What? No, I will get reject."

"Who said? Actually I don't know if I can tell you but I am so frustrated about you right now so I should tell you."

"Tell what?" Seojun is so curious. Chorong suddenly become so serious.

"I think maybe Jukyung also has a slightly feeling for you..."

"WHAT? Are u joking?"

"Listen to me, it happened 3 years ago exactly the day you left to LA."

Chorong is telling Seojun secret story about Jukyung about 3 years ago exactly when Seojun went to LA.

-- a little flashback 3 years ago—

Jukyung P.O.V

That day is raining hard, Jukyung didn't bring her umbrella, and she remember that Seojun promise to pick her up today at her internship location. But he is not there now.

Jukyung has been calling Seojun but no respond. It said that Seojun's phone is turned off. Jukyung decided to call Chorong to ask where is Seojun.

"Is this Kim Chorong? I am Im Jukyung."

"Eo.. Ju....Ju kyung ah... why?" Chorong answer the phone nervously. Jukyung is confused.

"I want to ask if Han Seojun with you? I can't call him. His phone turned off."

"Eo.... Ju—Jukyung ah, Seojun is not here..."

"Where is he, did you know?"

"Hmm... he is not here anymore.."

"what do you mean?"

"Jukyung ah, let's meet somewhere."

After hang up the phone, Jukyung run and stop the taxi to meet Chorong, they are meeting at some coffee shop. Jukyung's body are all soggy because of the rain.

"Kim Chorong. What happened? Where is Han Seojun?"

"Here, listen to me.. I shouldn't tell you about this but I think I should tell this. Han Seojun is going to LA. He got contacted by large entertainment company in LA and he got offered to release an album there, he will go to LA to sign the contract and start his training as soon as he arrived. Seojun is really confuse how to tell you, he didn't want you to feel sad again, he didn't want you to remind the past. He warned me to not telling anything to you, he said maybe he gonna tell you when he is arrived, but I don't know if he gets the courage to tell you."

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