Bastard of England, Heir of France

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PuckD77 Sorry for not posting anything in a while. I hope this chapter is up to standard. This is for PuckD77, whom is an amazing writer and somehow ended up liking my idea!


"I can't believe it..." Professor Mason mumbled to himself. "'s impossible."

He stared in awe at the DNA results in front of with the work lamp reflecting off of his glasses.
The old man had had his suspicions about the boy, but nothing this wild even in his imagination. In light of his discovery, he was glad that everyone else had left the university campus hours ago. It gave him the necessary time to reflect on what his next course action would be.

With a shaky hand, he pulled open his desk drawer and reached in for that whiskey he kept on hand for the nights he would stay in the lab.

"It's impossible...the samples must have gotten mixed up..." he whispered as he poured himself a shot. "But where would the sample have come from then?" He reasoned. "I don't want to believe it."

A heavy sigh inhabited the cool, dark space.

A pair of red eyes stood out in the dark.

"W-Who's there?"

A fair haired vampire emerged from the shadows of the nearly empty lab. One with a familiar face.

"You!" The old man shook with fright.
"Y-y-your one of m-my s-students!"

"Keen observation from a dead man. Unfortunately your quest for hidden histories of England will now be your undoing."

"This doesn't make any sense...King Edward never had a child. He was never married..." the old fool was still more concerned with the details of a medieval society than his own life.

"True history is always gone and buried. Isn't that what you said yourself this afternoon?" Edwin trailed his hand over the marble slabs, making everything in his wake shatter down on the tiled floor.

"Much like these results, the truth will never see the light of day, now." His aristocratic English accent came through in his speech now.

"I'll tell you what, Professor Mason, before I kill you tonight I'll let you in on the tale of King Edward and his princess, Isabeau."

The old man wiped the sweat from his brows and walked back to his desk, pouring each of them a shot.

"As long as I'm dying, I might as well finish off this bottle." He muttered.

Edwin was on top of his desk looking casual faster than the blink of an eye. "Are you sharing?" The vampire moved to take his shot before the man moved it out of reach.

"Talk and I'll give it to you. If I'm dying tonight I want to know everything."

The blond smirked before taking the glass.

"Let's start with the origins of our Frankish princess."

Dowager Queen Adelaide made her way down the cold stone castle's passageways at the behest of her son, the Young King Robert.

Her heart beat wildly.

If her son found out that she was in love with his uncle, his father's brother, it would mean her head on a pike.

Still, she remained calm and absently laid her hand on her stomach.

The doors to the Throne Room flew open at the announcement of her arrival. To her relief, there was no courtier in sight. The relief was short lived as she saw her son's face. It was full of hurt and his eyes gleamed of betrayal.

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