Chapter 1

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Dark, gloomy, lumps of clouds overcast the forest of Konohagakure, sending the land in complete darkness. Rain whiz out from the sky and ping as well as thunk angrily onto the grass and trees below them. The leaves rustle noisily together as the howling wind blows. A deafening, thunderous clap echoes around, managing to cause the ground to shake. 

In this type of weather it would be difficult for civilians as well as shinobis to see and hear anything, it would especially be more difficult in the forest. However, amidst the forest, if you have sharp hearing, you could almost hear the sounds of metal clashing roughly against each other.

A deadly fight of life and death between a group of Anbu, as well as Root agents, and a male shinobi, is currently taking place in the middle of the forest. Unexpectedly, the shinobi fighting against the agents isn't some random S-class missing-nin, he's Hatake Kakashi, the Copy Nin, who is also known to be very loyal to his village no matter what.

A Root agent, with their sword drawn, jumps forwards to attack Kakashi. He blocks the attack with his kunai and kicks the Root member and jumps back a few feet away when an ANBU member attacks him swiftly from above the trees. Kakashi, who had his Sharingan eye out, glares at all the agents as they slowly approach him.

Why is this happening to me.


Earlier in the morning, Kakashi, who has a day off, had been trying to get more shut-eye, due to the same nightmares that kept him awake everyday. He opened his eyes slightly when a loud rumbling noise outside had caused his house to vibrate slightly.

Huh? Sounds like a thunderstorm is emerging.

Kakashi suddenly had a bad feeling, however he had drifted off to sleep, before a loud and demanding knock came from his front door. Kakashi glares up at his ceiling and looks at the clock on his side table to see only about an hour has passed. He sighs and moves to get up to get changed. He dressed in his usual jounin attire, mask, fingerless gloves and tied his hitai-ate around the sharingan eye.

Guess they decided to give me a last minute mission... Hurray, exhausting missions, here I come.

Kakashi shuffled his way to the front door, just as the knocking turned into loud impatient banging. When he finally opens the door, he sees an Anbu standing in front of him.

"Hatake Kakashi, by the orders from Lady Tsunade. You are under arrest and to come with me silently to the Hokage office."

Kakashi, whose mind is a little hazy from his short sleep, stares blankly at the ANBU agent in front of him. He blinks himself awake and straightens, once he registers the words said to him.

" Wait, arrested? For what? Reading one of my books out in public. If that's her reason for arresting me, she'll need to do better than that." Kakashi does his usual eye smiling and chuckle lightheartedly, thinking that this is all a big joke. This was not what he had expected when being woken up rudely by harsh knocking on his door.

He would deeply appreciate it, if he could get more shut-eye. That's if him being arrested is all a big joke after all. Unfortunately for him it wasn't, because before he knows it, he's been roughly grabbed and tossed over a shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, by the ANBU agent.

"H-Hey, wait a moment! I have legs you know! I can just go with you to the Hokage with my own two legs!" Kakashi squawked, while the ANBU simply ignored his protest and began running and jumping over the roofs of other buildings, towards the Hokage Building.

Once they've arrived in the Hokage office, Kakashi is tossed harshly onto the floor, causing air to be knocked out of him. "Thank you Grizzly, you are dismissed", Tsunade ordered. ANBU 'Grizzly' bows to Tsunade and leaves quickly out the window. Kakashi mutters out 'rude! ', as he slowly gets some air back into him. He looks towards the Fifth Hokage to see her writing something on her desk.

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