Chapter 3

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Kakashi, who is now fully dressed, because he basically forced Obito to get all of his clothes back at Konoha. Is now standing in a meeting room, right in front of the remaining Akatsuki members who had not known of his presence in the building.

When Kakashi had entered the room, with Obito behind him, the remaining members looked at him in shock, skepticism and disbelief. They had seen Kakashi's hitai-ate covering his forehead and left eye, that he had slashed the Konoha emblem in half, breaking off his connection with Konoha.

Pein, who stood at the head of the table, nods in acknowledgement at Kakashi. While Deidara, sitting next to a shocked Itachi, looks at him in boredom and snarls at Obito.

They continued to stare at him as he made his way to stand beside Pein. He saw Obito had taken a seat between Deidara and a weird plant guy and started chattering away at Deidara, much to Deidara's annoyance.

"Nice of you to finally join us Kakashi", Kakashi nods and ignores the purple hair woman's reaction, who stood at Pein's other side, shifting uncomfortably and looked at Pein in confusion. Kakashi examines the people in the room, until his eye lands on both of Itachi's. Itachi's face was neutral, however the widening of his eyes showed that he's speechless of Kakashi being in the lair of the Akatsuki.

There were a few minutes of silence, aside from Obito's chatter, until an Akatsuki with slick back grey hair exclaimed in question about Kakashi's presence. This then resulted with the room filled loudly with exclaims of the same questions at Pein.

The room later fell into complete silence when the table boomed loudly and shook violently, as the only woman in the room told everyone to shut up while glaring furiously at the occupants around the table. Kakashi looks on with an unimpressed look, while Pein begins talking.

"Hatake Kakashi, will now be one of us.", Pein puts a hand up before any protests are verbalised, "He won't be a full time member yet. He, like all of us, will wear a ring when he proves his loyalty to the Akatsuki, then he'll become a full-time Akatsuki member."

Pein looks towards Kakashi and begins to introduce each member of the Akatsuki and the rings that represent each of them.

(Go search up what is the meaning behind of each rings about the Akatsuki members)

" You won't be able to start a mission just yet Kakashi. You'll have to wait until your Akatsuki robe has been created and given to you." Kakashi grunts, since it's a good thing. He needs to check on his wounds to see if he's healed enough to fight.

Pein looks back at the members and announces," As we all know, our mission is to capture all the jinchuuriki, however, you must not bring any harm to one of the jinchuuriki named Naruto."

There had been some protest in the group, but everyone nodded in acceptance. Pein then asked if anyone has any questions. The chair scraped loudly on the ground as Obito stood up and ran and side-hug Kakashi.

" Ne, Ne, Leader-san don't forget that Kashi will be on Tobi's team. Because Tobi has decided to claim Kashi so no one here can have him for themselves."

Kakashi sweat drops and squirms in Obito's hold as everyone looks to be so done with Tobi's antics.

Gee, I don't ever remember Obito being such a big hugger when we were kids...

Pein took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded. When no one else seemed to have anything else to say, Pein announced the end of the meeting and everyone began shuffling out the room.

Kakashi and Obito just got out into the hallway, when Itachi stood in front of Kakashi. "Kakashi-san, may I talk to you in private." Kakashi blinks, not expecting to be able to talk with Itachi so soon.

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