Chapter 4

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"Obito no~"


"Mmm no stop it~~"

A growling sound comes out of Obito.

"Obito, stop touching me~"

Kakashi hears Obito sputtering and can just imagine his face turning beet red.

"YOU! Do you even know what that sounds like! Have some shame, Bakakashi!! Get your ass up from bed before I throw you off!!"

"No~~ Five more minutes, bito~" Kakashi whined as Obito tries, key word: tries, to pry the blanket away and off from Kakashi's grip on it.

"To hell with your 'five more minutes'! While you were sleeping, Pein had called for me and Deidara for a mission. Deidara is currently waiting for us. So get your lazy ass up Bakakashi before Deidara loses his patience and ends up coming and destroying my door."

Kakashi continues to whine but finally relents and gets up. He sighs while bemoaning internally about getting away from the comfort of the bed. He blinks when Obito hands him a Akatsuki robe, Kakashi gingerly grabs it and slips the robe on.

Hm, not bad. The fabric feels quite comfortable.

"Let's go." Obito grabs Kakashi's arm and starts dragging him out the door. When they arrive, Kakashi concludes, at the entrance of the Akatsuki lair. Deidara was seen pacing back and forth mumbling out curses but when he saw both 'Tobi' and Kakashi, he stopped and glared menacingly at them.

"What took you two so long, hn?!"

Obito laughs and puts a hand behind his head, making himself look bashful, "Ah , Deidara-senpai gomen gomen, it's just Kashi look so adorable asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake him sooner."

There was silence for a minute.


"Tobi you're such a creep! / You watched me sleep...?"

Obito began flailing his arms around while making panicking noises, "No, no no no no! Tobi is not a creep, Deidara-senpai! Tobi definitely also didn't watch Kashi sleep, Tobi just wanted Kashi to rest for a bit more before going on his first ever mission with both Tobi and Deidara-senpai!"

Both Kakashi and Deidara still look at him with weirded out and suspicious faces, before Deidara scoffs and walks off. " Come on newbie, we're gonna start your first ever mission as an Akatsuki member. "

Kakashi shrugs and walks after Deidara, with a sulking Obito following behind. "Maa, so what's this mission we're doing? Are we gonna capture a tailed beast? "

Deidara huffs and crosses his arm, showing his disappointment, "Well aren't you quite eager newbie, but no, much to my disappointment we're not gonna be capturing anything. We're gonna be having a little 'chat' with a group of people that somehow know our location instead of catching some tailed beasts. Because-" Deidara points his thumb at Obito's direction, "-this guy practically demanded our leader to give us a very boring mission for your well-being."

Kakashi's eye widens slightly and when he looks at Obito, his eye softens and crinkles with a smile." Oh~ Is that so..."

Obito hangs his head low, with a hand behind his head and the other scratching at his mask," Ano... well you know, Kashi was still healing from his wounds made by the mean people, so... Tobi begged leader-san to give us an easy-going mission... "

Kakashi giggles," Maa, is that so...I appreciate you wanting to look out for a newbie like me, Tobi-kun~" This resulted in Obito laughing nervously while looking away.

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