30. Unfinished Business

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Warning: Explicit yet tastefully raunchy smut


As Kuvira emerged from the core of the mountain and made her way back from where she came, Opal stirred from her dreamless sleep under the fir tree. She saw Kuvira walking toward her, light from the moon reflecting her golden armaments. Was she dreaming after all, she wondered?

Kuvira approached and stood over Opal, who sat up and leaned against the tree.

"Where'd you get that armor? What's going on?" Opal yawned.

"I'll explain everything in the morning. But we need to start making moves toward Republic City. I'll speak with Jinora at first light." Kuvira's voice was urgent, focused.

Opal crossed her arms. "I'm not a child, Kuvira. You don't get to show up looking like a glam warrior woman and expect me to forget about it and fall back asleep. Answers. Now!"

Kuvira sighed. Opal didn't look like she was backing away from her pursuit of immediate answers.

"Something happened to me. And something even bigger's going to happen in a few days to Korra and Republic City."

"Start with you." Opal cared about the urgent situation in Republic City of course, but she was curious about the shiny woman in front of her.

Kuvira took a breath and lifted a round stone to hover some feet ahead of her. Then she bent a rope from one of her golden forearm guards and whipped it at the slowly spiraling stone. The stone snapped in half and fell to the ground. The golden rope yo-yoed back to Kuvira's forearm and molded to her armor.

"Funny thing, this heavy metal weighs nothing at all once you learn how to bend it. It's like liquid and air but also impenetrable."

Opal rubbed her eyes, stunned by what she saw.

Kuvira bent the gold off of her, forming a perfect sphere from which she separated a smaller sphere and split that into two equal spheres. She sat next to Opal with the two small golden balls rotating inches above her hand, one revolving around the other.

Opal reached out and grabbed one of the balls and examined it. A perfect little sphere.

"Wow," was all Opal could say.

That's when Kuvira told Opal everything else – except for the fact that there was a gold mine in the mountain, though she knew Opal was no dummy and would figure it out on her own eventually.

"Kuvira, I want you to know," Opal said, leaning her head into the other woman's chest. Heat crept between her legs as she heard Kuvira's pounding heartbeat like a warrior's love song. "I'm an airbender, but that won't stop me from doing what's right. I'm going to be beside you when things go down."

Kuvira looked into Opal's resolute eyes and in that moment felt immensely grateful. She leaned in close to Opal's little lips and nearly kissed her but stopped herself.

"We should probably get back," Kuvira said. "Get some rest and prepare for what lies ahead."

Opal's entire body flushed as she felt Kuvira's breath against her lips. "Yeah."

They got up and headed back to their rooms, the gold hovering behind Kuvira as she walked. At Opal's door, they said their goodnights and Kuvira headed back to her room.

Kuvira undressed and lay in her bed, looking out the window at the moon. When it came to the situation in Republic City, she felt the urgency and yet she was calm. Other matters had taken up space in her mind and heart, and unshakeable arousal consumed her.

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