F O R T Y - F O U R 🤷‍♀️

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chap 44: snake

polybioh: from this day forward we are no longer friends- but enemies

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polybioh: from this day forward we are no longer friends- but enemies. @hirokaiysen
twinkiesdoor: twink
istgoculi: are y'all arguing AGAIN
mattiascummies: yo he jus called u a twink @hirokaiysen
polibify: why is there always something happening with y'all
pinkbarbie: someone explain
hiroosnea_: how'd it go from alvaro being dead to this-
mattiaslittlewhore: we would like to be filled in
kairishairyballsack: hey can u tell kai to let me in his spam pls
bigfatbussylips: plot twist: ur the twink mattia

 @hirokaiysen-twinkiesdoor: twinkistgoculi: are y'all arguing AGAINmattiascummies: yo he jus called u a twink @hirokaiysenpolibify: why is there always something happening with y'allpinkbarbie: someone explainhiroosnea_: how'd it go from alvaro be...

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hirokaiysen: ok bitch @polybioh
mairiscumslut: wait huh
malejandrobitch: not another argument...
adorned.ownej: that shit just made me dizzy
cheesedick: wait what's happening
bitterbitxj: i'm not in his spam 😭😭
mattiaspremium: the husbands are bickering again
polybioh: imma win
reply -734 likes -394 replies
↪️ hirokaiysen: ok
-reply -833 likes -493 replies
bonkdodoodii: lmaoo
tinypewbs: idk what's goin on but mattia's probably gonna lose
↪️ bussycrumbs: facts 🥱☝️
foreignerkai: ayo 🔇 the pic is moving! 🔇 ay! 🔇

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