S I X T Y - T W O 😐

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chap 62: tell em


"i know, i know i'm sorry!" the younger boy cut him off quickly, already knowing he had fucked up.

kairi gave him an unimpressed look that had mattia gazing down at his fingers, that were fiddling with his rings, before looking back up apprehensively.

"but....since my....birthday—um." even thinking about it had the raven head stuttering, now looking everywhere but the boy in front of him.

he cleared his throat before trying again—more confident this time. "you know my birthday is coming up and....um...w-well," there goes the confidence.

mattia sighed.

"what're you trying to say mattia." kairi cut him off bluntly and the latter couldn't help but sigh again cause, well, fuck.

"you don't want to.....sleepover.....again." his eyes flickered over to the older's. "would you?" his voice was barely above a whisper.

kairi narrowed his eyes at him.

mattia didn't know his heart could beat this fast.

he could barely call his best friend "intimidating" but, unfortunately, the short boy definitely had his moments.

"just us?" kairi questioned and mattia immediately knew what he was silently getting at.

he just shrugged in reply.

he wanted to say yes though.

"but we both have girls now...." the raven trailed off, hoping that kairi would get what he was saying.

he did. "yeah...." the older trailed off as well.

they were both beating around the bush.

it was quiet for a couple of almost agonizing moments as both wanted each other to say something but neither wanted to actually open their mouths.

they were both un-admittedly scared of the topic at hand.

mattia could almost laugh.

his birthday,

the infamous may 16th,

was the duo's elephant in the room.

it was fair to say that it was awkward times like these that made the two almost regret what happened between them that night.


the taurus could only take so much silence though.

"so are you, um...down?" he questioned.

"i..." don't know if i can trust myself...or you. kairi paused. "can i be honest with you tia?" he asked softly, deciding to let go with what he was originally going to say.

"of course." mattia replied quickly.

kai looked down at his lap, his shaggy dark brown hair shielding his eyes which he was thankful for.

mattia wasn't.

"you know....whenever we're alone together....i feel like-" the boy bit his bottom lip. "i can't be alone with you without feeling like i need to be as far away from you as possible....."

"do you get what i'm saying?"

mattia did.

the raven haired male bit his bottom lip too, anxiousness filling the entirety of his being.

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