F O U R T Y - N I N E 🥱

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chap 49: rake it up

hirokaiysen: my taste in girls are immaculate -malejandrospubes: we know

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hirokaiysen: my taste in girls are immaculate
malejandrospubes: we know.
mattiascumslut: so are u ever gonna address what's going on with you and mattia 🤨
↪️ hirokaiysen: there's nothing to address
-reply -384 likes -284 replies
kairisperm: still trying to figure out if this is grammatically correct or not
JEONNEI: y'all are so petty 🥱🥱
eziableth: ik u wanna date me so bad 🙄🙄👆
↪️ hirokaiysen: no
-reply -493 likes -294 replies
polyb7oh: so did u and mattia break up 🥺
↪️ hirokaiysen: bruh i'm not even gonna remove u ur just getting blocked
-reply -925 likes -295 replies
fore4ner: there's sm going on i can't keep up

mattiascumslut: so are u ever gonna address what's going on with you and mattia 🤨↪️ hirokaiysen: there's nothing to address -reply -384 likes -284 replieskairisperm: still trying to figure out if this is grammatically correct or notJEONNEI: y'all...

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polybioh: lol
purrr: mad cause he got better taste than u 🥱
↪️ polybioh: no one has better taste than me
-reply -493 likes -204 replies
laila.1.38: i just want u guys to be friends again 🥺
bonkdodoodii: u don't think kairi has good taste in girls 🤨
↪️ polybioh: penis. dick. genitalia. cock. cockslut.
-reply -294 likes -429 replies
deathskairi: tf-
mybigfatcock: @polybioh same.
mairiskid: naw cause see-
kairishairyballsack: ay don't talk about master like that
gayforkairi: mf 🧍
milkncookies: the way the spam attacks get worse n more controversial each time
istgoculi: y'all the gayest mf's i've ever met
bigfatbussylips: am i reaching or did he just out kairi
↪️ kairiswhore: reaching big time 💀💀


jan 25:

i said i was gonna spice up da story n now i don't know what tf to do 😭😭

my creativity only comes in bursts and rn there is no bursts.

question of the chap:

❓- tf should i do. i would like to see a lot of comments just to get my creative juices flowin

❗️- even if i don't use any suggestions ur comments give me motivation and inspo so comment anyways.

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