S E V E N T Y - S E V E N 🤢

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chap 77: you know

finally giving y'all what u want ig 🥱

kairi groaned lightly before bowing his head down.

what the fuck was that?

his eyes scanned over the white sink below him as he over thought about an interaction that only lasted like five seconds.

five very long intense seconds though.

kairi immediately rolled his eyes at that intruding thought before running a hand through his hair and pushing off the sink, giving himself one last good look in the mirror before heading out the door.

he twisted the knob before lazily pulling at it, his eyebrows quickly furrowing when the first thing he made eye contact with was a clothed chest.


he barely had time to see who was standing right in front of the bathroom door before he was being shoved back in, his grip on the door handle being lost as he fumbled on his feet, his mind whirring with hundreds of unclear thoughts.

the harsh contact with the marbled counter and his back made the small boy wince and briefly shut his eyes, his hands gripping the edge of the counter when he was suddenly lifted on top of it.

at this point kairi had caught glimpses in between the fast paced movement and he knew who was currently burying their face into the crook of his neck, but even then he couldn't find it in himself to push the male away.

he really should though.


"shut up kairi." the raven cut him off with a soft but firm voice and Kairi understood. that didn't stop him from being annoyed though.

"fuck you." he spat, his hand reaching to thread into mattia's hair and the contradiction between the two eased the youngers doubts, doubts that kairi really meant it when he said he didn't want him.

"wanna fuck you." mattia mumbled against Kairi's skin making the grip on his hair get tighter.

and the older boy was biting down on his bottom lip so hard it could draw blood, but that was okay because he'd rather have that than give mattia the satisfaction of hearing how good he was making him feel. mattia didn't deserve that. he didn't even deserve to be kissing him like this.

just another thing to add to the list of things he was annoyed and angry about.

"well i don't want you to."

the hot opened mouth kisses mattia was placing against kairi's neck got rougher, the teen adding teeth and harsh sucking to the equation and Kairi couldn't help but wrap his legs around the other, bucking up and letting out the softest of whimpers into the tension clogged air.

"really kairi?" mattia questioned, rolling his hips forward and yeah—the metallic tang of blood was definitely noticeable to Kai now. "you don't want me to?" he added.

his voice was teasing and it bothered the brunette to no end, even more so at the fact that it made his dick throb and wants come bubbling so dangerously to the surface.

"no." he choked out, not being able to help himself and moaning when mattia bit down on a spot right above his collarbone.

"no?" another roll of his hips.


"okay then."

and before kairi could even comprehend what was happening mattia was pulling away from him and heading back towards the door, not even being seemingly fazed as he opened it.

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