F O R T Y - T W O 🍪

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chap 42: bounce out with that

fair warning: this chapter is so weird. idk where tf my head was while making this.

"no i'm fucking out of here. y'all mother fuckers are weird."

"no mattia, take me with you!" alvaro cried out, trying to wiggle away from kairi's hold.

mattia grimaced, not even wanting to go over to the bed.

"what the fuck did y'all do to him....." he said instead of answering the shorter boy, his eyes scanning the boys face with a slight frown.

"yeah....." robert scratched the side of his head. "i forgot i still had slime on my hands."

alvaro's eyes immediately widened before he snapped his head towards robert. "wait that black shit was slime?! you got fucking slime in my hair?"

robert shrugged. "whoops."

the younger boy let his face flop down onto his mattress, muffled words that only he could understand left his lips as he started to bang his fists on the bed.

and mattia watched with no amusement, the grimace on his face growing the longer he stayed.

his eyes flickered to kairi who was giggling.

"what the actual fuck is wrong with y'all?"

so here's the picture:

alvaro is laying on his stomach with only his underwear on, his hair is tied into two small ponytails which both had sticky black stuff in it.

robert was kneeling in front of him doing whatever the fuck he was doing to alvaro's hair and face.

and kairi was straddling him.

when mattia came in he was trying to dutch braid the boy's leg hair while robert muffled his cries.

so, mattia guessed ale and roshaun had the right idea of not coming over with him.

kairi stopped giggling and looked over to the raven haired boy with a glare. "you wanna be next proud gay boy?"

mattia only rolled his eyes. "i'd like to see you try short stack." he retorted while strolling over to the bed, his eyes flickering over different parts of alvaro's body and eventually eyeing his legs that had light red blotches in some areas.

"y'all are so fucked." he scoffed out when he finally made it next to kairi. "alright well, that's enough."

his eyes flickered up to kai's lazily, expecting him to climb off alvaro.

but the boy stayed put.

"mmmm.....no thanks my friend." he replied before reaching his hand up to gently pat mattia's cheek.

"get off kairi."

"i already said no."

the two glared at each other.

alvaro lifted his head off the mattress to look behind his shoulder, an amused smile making its way to his face. "not the sexual tension chile..."

robert only shook his head. "shut up alvaro."

mattia's eyes narrowed as he placed his hand on kairi's chest, not breaking eye contact as he pushed the older roughly, making him fall onto his back.

mattia leaned over al's body to be face to face with the brunette. "you done being defiant?" he asked with an amused raise of his eyebrow, making kairi scrunch his face up.

"what are you, my fucking dad?"

"you listen to your dad?" the taller asked instead of answering.

kairi only rolled his eyes before getting up and running a hand through his hair.

and mattia watched, a little too intently as his best friend continuously ran his hands through his hair before popping his neck.

"hey do you wanna come over?"

the words kind of just blurted out, and mattia tried to not look as easily confused when kai gazed over at him.

"why?" the older asked, tilting his head in question.

the latter just shrugged, not really having an answer. he just wanted the boy over.

kairi kept his gaze on his friend for a short moment before he looked away and shrugged, getting up from the bed. "yeah sure—right now?" he asked, looking back at mattia.

the boy nodded.

"bet." kairi smoothly walked by the bed and leaning forward so that he was by alvaro's head, who was two seconds away from having a mental breakdown about the drying slime in his hair.

"bye bye alvaro romero. test me again and i'll do more than try to shove my fingers up your ass." he whispered lowly into alvaro's ear before straightening up again.

the older teen scoffed. "do anything more and it'll be considered sexual assault bitch." he deadpanned.

kairi only mocked him before ruffling his hair again and extending his hand out to robert. "see you man."

"see you." robert echoed quietly as they dapped each other up, letting his hand lazily drop to the side afterwards.

as soon as kai came back over to him, mattia threw his arm around the smaller's shoulder, his other hand reaching to grab the keys outta his pockets. "les' go." he said, throwing a quick wave behind him.

robert cleared his throat when the door clicked shut and alvaro couldn't help but pity as he looked up at his friend.

"come on...cheer up dude." he said softly as he got up from his position on the bed. "and help me get this shit out of my hair before i fucking sue yall." he added, hopping off of his bed and onto the carpeted floor.

robert rolled his eyes as he watched alvaro head into the bathroom, the tiled floors still having the same black slime smeared on it.

how the fuck did kairi's weird ass come up with the plan to do this.

"yeah alright man." he replied flatly but got up nonetheless—pursing his lips and looking at the bedroom door before sighing and making his way into the bathroom.

"you lowkey might have to go back to the edgar cut al."

"shut the fuck up."


dec 13:
i'm tired.

still haven't watched kairi's new video but the dance clip is all over my feed 😭

also there's more drama. idk i'm second handedly getting my info from another account but jeez ig😐

(also disclaimer: MY OPINION! if u still stan the boys then i seriously do not have anything against you. this is just how i feel.)

-literally the last person i was still stanning was kairi but i won't hesitate to drop. i still don't know the details but i'm sorry. i'm not gonna keep a certain energy w one n not the other.

regardless of how they've changed my life i'm not just gonna keep sticking w them just because of that. it's toxic (at least for me, everyone's different)

n tbh since march (besides kairi robert n alvaro ) i haven't been following any of their accounts or keeping up w them so. idk it's just 😳

if it wasn't for mairi bruh.....


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