Chapter 6

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Last time on Misc. Love:

I never expected this to happen, but now that I know, I will continue pressing forth to bitter end.


She had been tainted with evil itself. No good could come from such scum.

Now on Misc. Love:

(Location: Akademi High | Occult Club Room | 4:10 pm | Ayano's POV)

I wished my eyes were deceiving me, yet I knew what I saw was true. I had quietly slid open the door, it seems as no one heard me. I couldn't tell if that was good or bad from the situation unfolding.

My Senpai stood in the middle of a pentagram with his wrists chained. While Oko stood outside it, holding open his book. This would've been a fine scene, except the fact that Senpai had a look that showed he was afraid for his life.

Possibilities filled my mind, What should I do? I can't let this continue, but my head gets so screwed whenever I get within more than 3 feet of my Senpai. I felt my body shiver. I need to do something. Wait, Kizano & Amao. They'll come help me if they hear me scream. They're right next to this room.

They are my friends after all.

I breathed quietly, I suck in air and waited. I look into the room and screamed. So loud, the gods above could hear me, so loud China could hear me, so loud they heard me.

Oko looked at my face scared as I stood in fake fear, My body was shivering for a different reason. Just what was he doing to my Senpai? This bastard, I don't care if he liked him, this was so terrible. How dare he hurt him. He'll pay.

I heard the foot steps of every nearby student, One by one gathering around to see the spectacle. Many club members had come outside and I felt arms wrap around me. Amao held me close while Kizano stood in front of me, trying to protect me from this monster.

Yet again, I had solved another problem but more kept appearing. Questions invaded my head like the Spanish Inquisition. Why? For what? Was there anything I could do? Unfortunately I was met with no answers. I truly didn't want to think about it, but unfortunately for me, ignoring it was never an option.

After all the commotion and prying eyes of teachers, Kizano, Amao, & I decided to go home together. Everything was fleeting and after today, I needed to rehearse and be ready for the play.  After everything that has happened, I don't want to be alone and I'm sure they could sense that from a mile away.

(Time Skip: Location: Ayano's Home | Her bed | 1:20am | Ayano's POV)

I lay awake thinking about everything that has happened. Oko, The Play, Everyone after Senpai, it's all just too much. Just focusing on the play made my head want to spin. I remember what Kizano said about the my male love interests. While many thoughts replayed through my head, this one randomly fought to the fore front of my mind.

"Just to be clear, You have the role and need to be here to rehearse with the guys, Okay?"

Just that thought alone was going to be exhausting. Who knows who's trying out for the role. It could be Budo, Amao, and or Kizano himself. It could be.. no. Now is not a good time to fantasize. I need to actually sleep so I manage to be well rested, well as well rested as I can be.

How do I do that though? Sleeping now, most likely would lead to nightmares. I need to ease myself, I can feel my blood rushing through my veins like a coarse river.  I should get up, If I can't sleep then i can at least be productive. I decided to leave my bed and slowly move over to my school bag, I fished around in my bag until my hand grabbed the copy of the script. I was not looking forward to reading through it again.

Miscellaneous Love (ALL Male Rivals x Ayano) | Yandere Simulator! (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now