Chapter 3

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Last time on Miscellaneous Love:
"Well come on then! I'm not doing this alone. Everyone is waiting for us."  He says pulling me along at the speed of sound. "Everyone? Who?" I say trying to keep up with his fast pace. "The whole club!" He says rushing me around to the office & running in.

Now on Miscellaneous Love:
I'm dragged into the room as I see chairs set in a circular fashion with Ms. Kunahito at the very top middle of the circle. Sitting in the chairs are all the club members, they all share a look of guilt. 2 chairs are empty to the right of Ms. Kunahito. Shoku sits directly next to her, while I sit next to him. Once our seats our taken, we see Ms. Kunahito looks at everyone minus Me, Amao, & Shoku. The glare she gives is stern.

She clears her throat and begins to speak. "Listen students. It has been brought to my attention that some baseless uprisings have been occurring within the cooking club of Akademi. I expect us all to talk about the problem maturely, under no circumstances shall there be any lying, screaming, or physical confrontation. Am I clear?" Her voice still stern after clearing it again.

All the students proceed to nod & murmur quiet 'yes ma'am' & 'of course' In response to her question. "Good. Now, let's address the issue at hand. Would anyone like to explain the incident that occurred?" She says, folding her hands narrowing her eyes at Kenko. He tries to put his hand up volunteer, but Ms. Kunahito gives him a 'put your hand down or I swear I'll expel you' look.

Saki looks around, seeing no one volunteer, she raises her hand. "I'll explain. So, this morning everyone but Amao was in the club room. We had all met up early on purpose to talk about the club without the leader. We talked about changing cooking routines & what we would cook. Kenko was the one who suggested we should think about how Amao has been running the club. We all said we liked how well he did his job & that he was passionate. Except, Kenko was very against Amao when we talked about him. He went as far to say, and I quote 'I would be such a better leader. Amao has no idea what he's doing.'." Saki says, & Kenko glares at her as if to shut her up, yet she glares right back.

Soft murmuring erupts from the club in agreement of what Saki said. "That's not true & you all know it." Shoku says, his gaze glazing Everyone in their eyes. Saki starts to bit her lip. "A-actually, Y-yes it was." Saki stutters, showing she's been caught. Ms. Kunahito looks at Saki. "Ms. Miyu, did I not prohibit lying? I want the truth, continue lying & I'll punish you as well as the whole cooking club for agreeing with you. Only Shoku & Amao will be safe from punishment." She states coldly, pushing her glasses up on the brim of her nose.

"What!? Why does he get exclude from punishment?!"
"He told me exactly what happened, I checked the cameras & it was correct. I just want to see who would lie first & who I should punish."
"That's Despicable!"
"So are you for lying to my face, As well as all your club mates for agreeing with such lies."

"Fine then." Saki says clearing her throat. "Instead of it just being Kenko, it was all of us that wanted to be club leader. We had decided that once Amao was gone, we could select one of us." Saki says, head hanging down a bit. "And once Amao left the club? Who would you replace him with? You'd need another member." Ms. Kunahito said tilting her glasses a bit off her face. "Well, we hadn't thought-" "They were gonna replace me with someone like Ayano, Ever since she helped Osano she's had a high reputation." Amao says, Glaring at Saki. She just nods.

"Well, Saki, Kenko, You will be staying after school. I have some mercy, So everyone else may go home. Unless someone wants to try their hand at going down as a club?" She speaks coldly, Yet all the rushing motions of kids grabbing their things and leaving as soon as she said it was creating heat.

"Some club members you are, Deserters." I spoke quietly, chucking low. I bend down and grab my bag, seeing as Ms. Kunahito drags both former club members out of the classroom.

"Yana~Chan!" "Yano~Chan!" I hear Amao & Shoku both call my name while running to me. I whip my head around in confusion. Shoku and Amao both look at each other, decided on an order. "I wanted to thank you for giving me confidence! You're really great! I'll see you tomorrow!" Shoku says, leaving quickly out the door as all the rest. My chest feels warm, as if helping someone is helping my heart. "Ayano." Amao says, catching my attention. "I want to thank you. You didn't have to go through this trouble." He says, his face is a bit red.. Why? "Amao, it's fine. I couldn't just let that continue, I had to do something." I say, knowing that it's not true. Him, being taller than me, puts his hand on my cheek. My face heats up as I look into his eyes. "Ayano, I want to hang out with you. A lot more." He says quietly. I can only nod, and move his hand as I hide away my blush. "I have to go, but we can talk more tomorrow." I say, looking away. He nods, turning away to hang his apron. I walk out the club room.

As soon as I walk out, I see him there. Laying against the wall, nonchalantly. I feel his eyes rest on me as I shiver, I breathe and try to walk past him. "Aishi ~ Chan." He called putting my name with that cold voice of his. "Can I help you, Megamo?" I say, looking straight ahead. "About earlier-" He starts. Suddenly, a student comes barreling down the hall. "Student Council President! The other members request you at once! It's about the Osano fight!" The student says. I hear Megamo sigh and I take the opportunity to run away. This is a little too awkward. Especially for someone like me.

(~~~~~~~~~~~~Short Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~)

I walk home in silence, I decided to not stalk senpai for as long today. It just doesn't feel right. I go straight home immediately after. Who knows what could be lurking at this time of night, Especially in town or along the secluded areas of my wealthy neighborhood.

Miscellaneous Love (ALL Male Rivals x Ayano) | Yandere Simulator! (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now