[REWRITE] Ch. 1 - "Cryogenic Heart"

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The darkness around me is writhing around as if it was a living entity. It swallows me whole with anger, though I am its core. I can only lay still as the pain courses throughout my already weakened body. Suddenly, I can see it. A clear shadow standing over me, my emotions going livid as shivers ran through my eyes at the sight. Who it was? Is my question now. Was it the Reaper coming to fix my mother's mistake? to deliver me from my pain? I think not. 

My next destination is eternal damnation and fury, all for of divine love that transcended reality. A love even death itself is trying to stop. Everything I had ever done, all in lieu of protecting him. What was I supposed to do? He is restlessly pure while they are bloodsucking heathens. I'm a heretic of the worst kind, for the deity who saved me that day, I'd gladly follow his allegiance to the end. I sighed, feeling the breath slipping away into lucidity. My bones had long been broken, blood long left me. It doesn't matter anymore. It's all come to an end for nothing. I made my mistakes & nothing will change them.


My eyes shot open and I screamed. A deep and resounding scream. I wasn't one for fear, for any emotion really. Yet, the intense nightmare I just had was different. I'd had nightmares before, but none as vivid as that one. What was that thing? No, Who was that thing standing over me?

Whatever it was, It didn't matter now. I need to get up, it'd be another day of school. I got out of bed and let my feet hit the cold, solid floor. Even If I had the time to think about it, it wouldn't do me any good to ponder over a nightmare. I walked to my mirror and stared into my reflection, seeing the bags under my eyes. It's nothing I hadn't seen before, yet after that nightmare, the sight of them were bothering me. I walked to the bathroom, letting the tile floor freeze my feet. It was cold as I trudged myself to into the room. I turned on the shower and waited for small trails of steam to rise from it. After that, I stepped in.

Despite the burning water, I was still cold. It felt nothing like lava, just sprays of water rolling off my back. As if my nerves weren't properly connected to my body, pain did not flourish within me from the intense temperature. My body had become permafrost ice, not that I could do anything to stop it anyways. I proceed to wash the cold stone I called a body and got out within a good time. I still had a whole day ahead of me but death and that nightmare were ever looming. It was not fear, no. I hadn't felt fear, just a sense of pure unadulterated confusion and dread. Even within that nightmare, I was still shivering, freezing over. The darkness was writhing around me, but it was not warm. Not that it would've been anyways.

 I came back to my room only to shove my uniform on and quickly pack my things for school into my bag. It'd be another day of watching the man I love from afar. Another day of precise planning and scheming just to protect a man who wouldn't give his eyes to me. It's not that I'm mad at him for it, He just couldn't see what he needed. We're all a little blind sometimes, I just need a bit of time to wake him up from the dull life he's probably living in. He could be so much better with me in tow, I could make him see that. However, that would come with time, now if only patience followed as well.


(Location: Akademi High | Pathway/Entrance to School | 6:55 am | Ayano's POV)

I watched from a distance as he walked to school, my senpai. A man with black hair and dark eyes, a soft and sweet guy. He was mild mannered and a scholar in everything but name. Most times you could find him with a book in his hand. At this time though, you could find him walking with Osano unfortunately. I always wondered how the two of them even became friends, even in childhood. Osano is obnoxious and selfish, despite it being a faced, it's still off-putting. My senpai, no, Taro was too nice. Even when Osano did things like wrongfully scold him, he apologized thinking he had actually caused trouble. Like right now.

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