Chapter 7A

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Hey, I wasn't expecting to actually write a part of this but here I am. So, Here you go. Enjoy.



(Location: Ayano's Home | Her Room | 6:00 am | Ayano's POV)

I sat quietly on my bed, knowing the play was going to be after school today. The script was clutched tightly in my palms, staring at the one scene I didn't want to acknowledge. The kiss with Amelia's dying lover. My hope was nothing would go wrong but I simply don't trust this day. The feelings in my stomach bubbled each minute and it wasn't ordinary stage fright. Saikou was probably very upset, Kizano doesn't know this but the club heard him screaming at Saikou. However, I agreed with him. Saikou was an undefinable monster who made no attempt to hide his claws around humans who had never seen anyone like him.

Having said that, Saikou was going to put Kizano in his place, even if that meant putting a dent in the theater himself. Really, I shouldn't care. It's not as if Kizano's feelings matter to me.. much. Yet, If this play goes badly while I'm the star, It'll reflect so bad on me, I won't be able to show my face in front of Senpai. I only agreed so I could be in view of my love, but now second thoughts emerged. Would Saikou actually try and take down the play while it was happening? Would he try and ruin it? I couldn't find the answers in my head.

I took a deep breath, realizing my lungs were tight as plastic around an animals neck. I sighed out a breath of sudden frustration. Whatever happens, I'll simply have to stop him. He can't get away with anything because I'm here, I can't get away with anything because he's there. The concept of us stopping each other, nothing can go wrong. It's simple checks and balances.

I got up from my bed and stalked over to my mirror, giving myself a once over. I looked.. pretty? I'm not sure how to describe myself as such vain things never interested me. The black flower in my hair acted as a way to paint me as darling, the rose on my cheeks with light eyeliner cleared away the dead look, yet not fully. I looked doll like if stared at for too long. I never felt the need to dress up until today, it may be just the need to fill the gaping hole that is my appearance.

I touched my pony tail, feeling the silky hair in my hands like a sheet. Should I change my hairstyle? was this too bland? I took a moment to pondered dearly. I shook my head with disdain. What are you doing, Ayano? You're being silly. Get to school and figure out how to get through the play and the day without being a disaster. With that thought, I walked out my room and started gathering my things. I should go, no telling what fate has in store.


(Location: Akademi High | Cooking Club Room | 7:10 am | Ayano's POV)

What possessed me to be here? I don't exactly know. I tried walking to the gym and felt my heart pound, pound like never before. My chest had always been cold aside from a few specific times. Amao was trying to calm me, and figure out why I was on his club room floor. Good luck to him, because I barely knew myself. I felt slightly bad, knowing he was wasting time trying to comfort me when I certainly couldn't care about him.. as much.

"Yana - Chan.. please speak to me. I thought you supposed to be at the gym, rehearsing. What's wrong?" Amao simply wouldn't let up but I knew he had a right to know. I was in his club room after all. I breathe, catching all the air I hadn't been using. "I'm worried. I'm sure you've heard about the spat between Kizano and Saikou. What if Saikou ruins the play? I don't want to see Kizano devastated." I whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. No one else was in the room but prying ears listen all the time.

He nodded and thought to himself for a second. "I was planning on going anyways, but if you'd like, I'll keep an eye on him for the whole play. He won't leave my sight, I swear it." Amao offered smiling while sticking out his hand. I took his hand and stood to my feet, giving  small smile back. "Thank you. I'm entrusting this task to you. If you find that you cannot stop him from doing something, don't worry about it. I'll have a back up plan." He looked confused at this but didn't question me any further. "Go on to practice, I'm sure Kizano's worried." He said, releasing my hand. I quickly made a break for the gym.

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