Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.2

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A/N: Vampire AU.

Last night was a good night for Qrow, he had probably the most amazing sex he's ever had. He also loved the way Clover's blood tasted.

"Hope I didn't take too much from him. I think I got a little carried away." Qrow mumbled to himself.

He sat on the couch in his dark apartment, watching tv. In the middle of watching a movie, his phone began to ring. 

"Hello?" Qrow said, answering his phone.

"Hi, is this Qrow?" asked a voice, Qrow immediately recognized as Clover's.

"Yep. Hey, Clover." Qrow replied smiling.

"H-hey, Qrow. I...uh...wanted to ask you something." Clover said shyly.

"What do you want to ask me, handsome?" Qrow asked.

"I know this might sound completely insane, but...are you...a-are you a...vampire? I only ask this cause you kinda look like one and this morning I found two tiny holes on my neck that kinda look like a vampire bite." Clover asked nervously.

"Umm...yeah...that, uh...that doesn't freak you out, does it?" Qrow answered.

"Well, I was a little freaked out at first, but, I mean, it's not something you can help. So...why are you trusting me with this information? You just met me." Clover said.

"Well, I...I've been alone for quite some time...and I was getting sick of it, so when I saw you at the club last night...something just...pulled me towards you. Clover, I would really like to get to know you, I like you a lot." Qrow said blushing.

"I like you a lot too." Clover chuckled.

"I'm gonna come over, I wanna see you." Qrow said getting up and grabbing his coat.

"But...it's daylight, won't that kill you? Or is it like Twilight?" Clover asked.

"Clover, I like you and all...but mention that garbage sh*t again and I'll use my mind control powers to make you slap yourself." Qrow replied with an irritated groan.

"Woah, yeesh...not a fan?" Clover laughed.

"F**K, no! I f**king hate those movies and books!" Qrow told him.

Then he goes into a rant about the reasons the franchise is so horrible. Next, Qrow assures Clover that he'll be alright cause he has a special potion that he takes in the mornings to help him go out into the daylight. The only reason he left before sunrise that morning was because he didn't have the potion with him. Even with the potion, Qrow was still a bit sensitive to the sun, so he just puts on his sunglasses and pulls up his hood. While Qrow is on his way, Clover tidies up his apartment, then Elm leaves and heads back to her place.

"Okay, Clover, dating a vampire won't be too different than dating a normal human, so don't be nervous." Clover tells himself.

The doorbell rings and Clover excitedly answers it. 

"Hi, Qrow." Clover said hugging him.

"Hey." Qrow replied hugging back.

Clover walks away but Qrow doesn't follow him.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" Clover asked.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" Qrow asked.

"Ohhhh, that's right, vampires have to be invited before they can enter someone's home. Come on, Qrow, come on in." Clover replied waving Qrow over.

Qrow walks in and sits with Clover on the couch. He sees the holes on Clover's neck, which were starting to form bruises.

"Did that hurt? Did I...take too much?" Qrow asked running his fingers along the holes.

"Ehh, it's a little sore, and I was a little dizzy this morning, but seriously, I'm okay." Clover said grabbing Qrow's hand and holding it for a bit.

"Hehe, hope you don't mind, but I told my friend about you when I found the bite. She checked me over to see if you turned me...you didn't, right?" he added.

"Oh god, no! No, I didn't. Being turned...is the single most painful experience anyone could ever go through, I would never do that to anyone...especially you." Qrow replied frantically.

Then, Clover watches as Qrow's eyes drift, seemingly lost in thought, as his shaky hands absent mindedly rub at a scarred over bite mark on the crook of his neck. Wanting to help, Clover caresses Qrow's cheek and makes him look at him. Qrow flinches a little at the sudden touch, but relaxes into it when he's staring into beautiful teal eyes.

"Sorry...I sorta got lost in my head there for a sec...b-bad memories." Qrow mumbled.

"How long ago were you turned? You don't have to tell me how it happened." Clover asked gently.

"I...I was turned twelve years ago. So compared to some vampires...I'm pretty young, but I'm 46 years old, so humanwise I'm a little on the old side." Qrow answered.

"After what happened when I was turned...I just couldn't go back home to my family...I couldn't face them. But, a couple weeks after I was turned, I met this guy named Ozpin, he knew everything there was to know about the supernatural. For the two years he stuck around, he taught me everything I needed to know to survive as a vampire. Then, he left...without a single word." he explained.

"Why did he leave?" Clover asked, intrigued with Qrow's story.

"Don't know...maybe he thought I didn't need him anymore. Anyway, for a while I would travel from place to place alone, hooking up with people occasionally when I felt lonely...though it didn't help much. Then I settled here and became good friends with a werewolf named James." Qrow continued.

"A werewolf!? They exist too?" Clover asked, his jaw dropping.

"Mhm, and witches too. I know one, her name is Glynda, she supplies me with my sunwalking potion." Qrow chuckled.

"Cool." Clover replied in awe.

"James and I were pretty close...actually very close, we were...uh...more like "friends with benefits" if you know what I mean." Qrow said shyly, looking down.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Clover replied pouting slightly.

"He's only known me for a day and he's already jealous? Ha...cute." Qrow thought.

"Well, three years ago, James's pack had to move, so he's not here anymore. I was actually kinda glad he moved, cause...I had the impression that he was starting to catch feelings, but I didn't feel the same and I didn't want to hurt him." he said finishing his story.

The two sit in silence for a few minutes before Clover tells Qrow about himself. He grew up in a military household and went into the military after high school, then college after that. Clover now works as a technical engineer at a plane making factory. Then, for lunch, Clover orders take out, making sure none of the food had garlic in it.

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