Fair Game: Roommates pt.4

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A/N: Real World AU

Two days ago, Clover had gotten hurt at work and would be out of commission for a while. Most of the time, Qrow took care of him, but while he was at work, Ruby and Yang took care of Clover. At the moment, Ruby sat on Clover's bed cross-legged as they played Go-Fish.

"Got any twos?" Ruby asked.

"Nah, go fish." Clover replied.

Ruby sighs a little annoyed as she takes a card from the deck.

"Got any sevens?" Clover asked.

Pouting adorably, Ruby gives Clover two cards from her hand. Clover eventually wins the game...for the third time.

"How come you always win!" Ruby groaned.

"Just lucky, I guess." Clover replied smirking.

Ruby sticks her tongue out at him.

"I'm back, and I have food!" Yang said coming into the room with a bag of takeout food.

"Good! I'm starving!" Ruby said.

"Me too." Clover added.

"I don't see why I couldn't just cook us something." Yang said.

"Because I didn't want to give Clover food poisoning on top of a broken arm and leg." Ruby replied.

"Hey, that was one time!" Yang said defensively.

"No, it was three times. Three times you gave me, Dad, and Uncle Qrow food poisoning from your awful cooking." Ruby argued.

"Is she really that bad?" Clover asked Ruby.

Ruby nods, which earns her a glare from her sister. Later on, when Qrow gets home from work, everyone is watching Netflix.

"What show are you guys torturing him with?" Qrow jokingly asked his nieces.

"Aggretsuko, and it's not torture!" Ruby replied.

"It's actually kinda cute." Clover said.

"Did these girls take good care of you?" Qrow asked his boyfriend.

"Yes. Yes, they did." Clover replied.

"Good." Qrow said giving Clover a quick peck on the lips.

Clover is in an arm and leg cast for another six weeks. When he finally got those casts off, he was so relieved. They were hanging out in Qrow's room in comfortable silence. Then suddenly, Clover wraps his arms around Qrow and kisses his ear.

"What's this for?" Qrow asked smiling.

"Cause you're irresistible." Clover murmered into Qrow's neck.

"Ya know what I've been dying to do since I got hurt?" he whispered, lips brushing against Qrow's ear, causing shivers to run down his spine.

"W-what?" Qrow asked, his heartbeat quickening.

Clover pushes Qrow down onto the bed, straddles his hips, and pins his wrists down. Now, Qrow's heart is pounding in his chest; his cheeks, among other parts of his body, heat up.

"D*mn, Clover, don't keep me waiting. I'm getting antsy here." Qrow pleaded impatiently.

"Oooh, aren't you cute when you beg." Clover chuckled.

He presses a deep passionate kiss to Qrow's lips. Then he trails his lips to Qrow's jaw and down his neck, all while he rocked and rubbed his hips against Qrow's, making him a whimpering and moaning mess.

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