Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.2

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Clover wakes up tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. He tried to free himself, but the ropes were just too thick.

"My, my, look at how much you've grown."  said a voice Clover didn't recognize.

He looks towards where the voice came from and sees a man who's face he vaguely remembers.

"The last time I saw you...you were just a scrawny eight-year-old little boy. And look at you now, you're a big strong man." said the man.

"Wait...you're Dominick Barr, aren't you?" Clover said, finally recognising the man in front of him.

"Yes, I am. Your father put me in prison twenty-six years ago...and now I'm gonna get my revenge on him by killing you." Dominick replied.

He pulls out a gun and points it at Clover's head. The Ace Op shuts his eyes tightly, ready to accept his fate. But instead, Dominick shoots Clover's thigh. Unshed tears sting at Clover's eyes as he tries not to scream in pain.

"I-I...thought you said...y-you were going to kill me?" Clover asked.

"Haha, you dumba**, I'm not gonna kill you now. I'm gonna torture you first, and when dear ol' dad comes to rescue you, then I'll kill you...right in front of him." Dominick told him.

Dominick grabs a knife and stabs Clover's bullet wound, making him cry out in pain. Meanwhile; Qrow, Trevor, and Joanna search for Clover. Unfortunately, after three days, they couldn't find anything that would lead them to Clover's whereabouts.

"This is all my fault...Clover's gonna die and it's gonna be my fault." Trevor said putting his head in his hands.

"It's not your fault, Trevor. And Clover's not gonna die, we won't let that happen." Qrow said placing his hand on Trevor's shoulder.

"D*mn right, we won't." Joanna agreed.

"Come on, Trevor, think. Where would this Dominick guy hide Clover?" Qrow asked.

"Well...we already checked where he used to live, where he used to work, and where he used to conduct his illegal business; and found nothing. I'm not sure where else to look!" Trevor replied.

He thinks for a moment then remembers something.

"Oh my gods, why didn't I think of this before?!" Trevor said face palming.

"What, dear?" Joanna asked.

"When I was arresting Dominick, I chased him to this empty building where I defeated him. Him and Clover will most likely be there." Trevor explained.

"Then lets go there and get our Clover back." Qrow said.

When they arrived at the building, they saw that it was heavily guarded.

"Where the h*ll did he get all the money to hire these guys? Didn't they freeze all his assets when he was arrested?" Qrow asked.

"Maybe he had a secret account no one knew about." Joanna shrugged.

"There's so many of them, we should call for backup." Trevor said.

"Nah, babe, Qrow and I can take 'em." Joanna said nonchalantly.

"JoJo, are you sure..." Trevor began to say.

"Yes! Perfect plan: Qrow and I beat up the goons while you go in and have a rematch with that b*stard, and once Clover's safe I'll give Dominick an extra special beat down for whatever he's done to our baby boy. Now that we know what the plan is, is everyone ready, cause I'm ready!!" Joanna interrupted...intensely.

Qrow and Trevor exchange wide-eyed looks at each other.

"I mean, it's not a bad plan. But I, too, want a crack at Dominick." Qrow said taking out Harbinger.

"Okay, we're all on the same page, let's go!!" Joanna shouted grabbing Qrow's arm and running towards the building.

While Qrow and Joanna kept the guards busy, Trevor snuck in at the side of the building. He checked room after room, and finally found Clover in the last one. Trevor runs over to his son who was tied to a chair and severely beaten.

"D-Dad?" Clover said as Trevor began to untie him.

"Yeah, it's me, son." Trevor replied, gently cupping Clover's face.

The fact that Clover's skin burned with fever worried Trevor. He saw a wound on Clover's leg that was poorly bandaged and obviously infected. Trevor desperately tries to come up with a plan to get Clover out safely; he was clearly in no condition to walk, and he's not strong enough to carry him. The only thing he could think of was to stay by Clover's side and protect him while waiting for Qrow and his wife to come. He eases Clover to the ground and puts his head in his lap.

"Dad...*cough*...everything hurts." Clover whimpered.

"I know, son. But it's going to be okay, I'm here." Trevor told him, holding his hand and stroking the side of his head.

Suddenly, Trevor feels something metallic press against the back of his head. He looks over his shoulder and sees Dominick holding a gun to his head.


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