Fair Game: Headcanons

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A/N: Here's all my headcanons.

1. Clover is allergic to all kinds of nuts.

This was found out when he was three years old and ate a peanut butter sandwich for the first time.

Let's just say it didn't end well...scared his parents to death.

2. Qrow can't swim.

He never learned as a kid. And when he was given the ability to turn into a bird, he figured he didn't need to know how to swim.

3. Clover's birthday is March 17 (st. Patrick's day).

4. When Qrow gets anxious, he'll absent mindedly scratch at his arms, mainly wrists. He won't notice he's doing it until the skin breaks.

So when Clover sees raw fingernail scratches on Qrow's wrists, he knows he's been anxious. So, he kisses his wrists to "kiss it better".

Sometimes he's able to catch him scratching at himself and stops him by holding his hands.

5. Qrow sleeps in the fetal position, arms and legs tucked close to his body.

Before dating Qrow, Clover always slept on his back with his arms and legs spread out.

But now, Clover wraps his arms around Qrow; pressing his chest to Qrow's back, nuzzling his face into the back of Qrow's neck, and tangling his legs with Qrow's.

6. Clover has Lepidopterophobia (fear of butterflies).

Because when he was a kid, a butterfly flew into his nose and gotten stuck and he had to go to the emergency room to get it out.

So now when Clover sees a butterfly, he gets nervous. If it gets too close to his face, he'll shield his face and run away...with a slight shriek.

This is something that embarrasses him, so he never talks about it. Only someone who's close to him knows of his fear. Or someone who witnessed a butterfly fly too close to his face.

7. Qrow loves junk food.

Clover eats healthy food.

Clover is constantly trying to get his boyfriend to eat more healthy...most days he's successful, cause Qrow is a pushover when he's hit with a pouty face...something Ruby taught Clover to do to get Qrow to do things.

8. Qrow is 12 years older than Clover.

I kinda put Clover's age at around 34, which makes Qrow's age at around 46.

9. When Clover is unwell, he gets very clingy and whiny.

When Qrow is unwell, he usually keeps to himself and is very quiet.

Neither one complains about the other and are always willing to take care of each other.

10. Clover was the first guy Qrow had ever dated. Before meeting Clover, Qrow was only ever confident enough to pursue women, he was always way too shy when it came to his attraction to men.

11. Clover came out as gay when he was 13, and the first person he told was his mother.

Qrow came out as bisexual when he was 18, and the first person he told was Summer.

12. Qrow likes rock music.

Clover likes classical music.

Both dislike hip-hop.

Both secretly like country.

A/N: Most of these headcanons, I posted on my message board. But I wanted to put them all here for the last day of Fairgame week.

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