Fair Game: Lover's Quarrel

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Requested by: Furby_the_demon____

For the past week, Qrow and Clover hadn't been talking to each other. They had an argument about something neither could remember. One was waiting for the other to apologize. But they were both being incredibly stubborn.

"You guys are idiots." Yang told Qrow.

"Why don't you both apologize, and stop all this nonsense." Blake added.

"No. I will not apologize. I'm the one in the right." Qrow replied folding his arms and pouting.

"And what are you right about, exactly?" Blake asked.

"Ummm...I'm not sure really, but I know I'm right." Qrow answered.

Blake and Yang roll their eyes and shake their head with a heavy sigh.

"They're the adults, yet we're the mature ones." Yang said.

"Mhm." Blake nodded.

"Look, you're young, you wouldn't understand." Qrow said.

"Just because we're young, doesn't mean that we don't know how to maintain a healthy relationship." Yang replied.

"Yeah, Yang and I have our fair share of arguments as well. But we both apologize to each other, no matter who's right or wrong." Blake said wrapping an arm around her girlfriend's waist.

"Because at the end of the day, what's most important is that we love each other and no argument is going to change that." Yang added wrapping her arm around Blake's shoulders and kissing her head.

"Talk. To. Him." she told her uncle.

The young huntresses walk off, leaving Qrow all alone in the training room. When Qrow returned from his mission, Clover was already in bed asleep. He changes clothes then gets into bed and goes to sleep. Somewhere in the night, Qrow had a terrible nightmare that Clover broke up with him, saying that he was tired of his endless cynicism and that he finally realised how worthless he was. Qrow wakes abruptly from this horrible dream with a pathetic sob. Then he curls into a tight ball and starts shaking and crying.

"Qrow?" Clover said groggily.

When he sees the state his boyfriend is in, Clover immediately worries.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Clover asked placing his hand on Qrow's back.

Qrow flips over and faces his boyfriend. He instantly starts crying harder once he met eyes with Clover.

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Qrow apologized over and over again, clinging tightly to Clover.

Clover felt bad, very bad. Sure, he wanted Qrow to apologize for...whatever they were arguing about...but he didn't want it to come like this. He holds Qrow close and kisses his head.

"P-please...don't leave me." Qrow whimpered.

Right there, Clover felt like he'd been kicked in the gut hard.

"Where in the h*ll would you get such a crazy idea like that?" Clover asked trying not to burst into tears.

"I...I had a dream....y-you said you were tired of me and didn't love me anymore...a-and then you dumped me." Qrow answered sobbing into Clover's chest.

"Oh my gods, Qrow, honey, no. Nonononono. I would never leave you, and I would never stop loving you. I'm so very sorry I let this stupid argument drag on this far. I'm so sorry, hun." Clover replied.

He then places kisses all over Qrow's head and face.

"Look, let's just forget about that stupid argument. I'm sorry, you're sorry. And we both forgive each other, right?" Clover said cupping Qrow's face and pressing their foreheads together.

"Y-yeah..." Qrow nodded, sniffling.

He then starts coughing from all the crying he did.

"Shhh, calm down, you'll make yourself sick." Clover said in a soothing tone, petting Qrow's head.

Qrow's breaths even out then he nuzzles into Clover's chest.

"I love you." Qrow mumbled.

"I love you too." Clover told him, placing one last kiss to his forehead.

Wrapped in each other's arms, Qrow and Clover sleep soundly through the rest of the night. The next day, everyone else was glad to see that the couple had finally made up.

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