Shane Vs. Sebastian

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*Your pov*

It was a warm summer day. I watered my crops that hadn't already been watered by a sprinkler and harvested the ready ones. My bag was packed full of melon, jalapenos, and blueberries by the time I was finished. I sold most of the melon and blueberries but ended up storing a couple in my fridge and chest in case I needed them for a recipe or a friend requested an ingredient.

I held onto all of the jalapenos, 'Just in case, Shane wants one. I think I might make him pepper poppers though. He'd probably enjoy that more.' I sigh gently to myself, daydreaming vividly about yesterday.

I close my eyes and see a half-naked Shane. Water droplets falling from his slick-backed purple hair onto his surprisingly buff chest. I feel the butterflies return to my stomach, taking over my head and body. "Yoba, no. Not right now." I mutter aloud. Brushing away my thoughts and heading back to work.

After I finished my farming chores, I grabbed the rough bristled wooden brush made for cows and horses that I had purchased from Marnie recently. It was costly, but anything for my babies. "Aw Bonnie, arent you a pretty girl?" I cooed, brushing her black and white spotted coat, smoothing it out and bringing its shine back.

"Look at you!" I praised, "You're the prettiest heifer that's ever lived!"

"Moooo," she replied, licking my cheeks affectionately. I giggled, finishing off her little self-care day.

"Alright, girl. Let's head back to the barn and get you some fresh hay so you can knock out for the rest of the evening. I've gotta trim your brother's hooves."

I lead Bonnie to the barn and plopped some hay in front of her, kissing her head gently. "Sleep well, my love." I stroll out, hoof clippers in my left hand and a big gallon of water in the other. I chug most of it down before I begin.

"Alright Stefan, you know the drill." I pat his rear and lean down, lifting his foot and removing his horseshoe. I set it aside in a bucket of white vinegar I had prepared and let it soak. I would scrape all of the dirt and rocks out later.

I continued and began to clip his currently overgrown Hoof, after I finish with the first one I repeat the same procedure for the rest of his hooves until I finish.

"Good boy!" I praise. Standing up with an exhausted groan. I give Stefan some carrots and refill his hay and water before I make my way inside with the bucket of soaking horseshoes.

I peek at my wall clock as I enter the house, "6 pm already?" The time had gone by way quicker than I thought. It was a super productive day though.

As I scrubbed the horseshoes with a toothbrush I calculated how much I had made for the day.

"Including all the Mayo, cheese, truffle oil, and wine... I made about, 12,000G!"

I smiled to myself, satisfied with how far I've come.

I went from working my ass off every day just to afford a 10,000g bag for more space, to making enough to buy that bag and still have extra gold every single day. It was still crazy to me. Back in the city,  I was making 10g an hour. I could barely afford rent in the tiny apartment I was cooped up in. Now I have a whole house with everything, no rent. I grow crops, fish, mine, and just experience. I'm happy doing it, being rich is just a great bonus.

All of that positive thinking had a toll on me. It made me hella confident. I finished up the horseshoes and let them continue to soak. I pushed the bucket to a corner and made my way to the sink, washing my hands and drying them thoroughly. I pulled my phone out and opened pelicantownies, I typed out a message to Shane:

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