Its you!

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It was supposed to just be another Sunday for nanny Plum. Her day off to be exact, yet the kind and queen have been extra needy recently and nanny Plum was not happy about that. It was a thought that has been building up a lot inside her head, and the magic kingdom was not doing it for her anymore so she packed the little remains of what she was allowed and walked out. Not before poisoning the steam soup, of course.

She laughed her wicked laugh, put some punk rock music on and let her hair down for the first time in nineteen years. She was a rebel.

She could finally leave that awful family and be who she wanted to be, a Plum. Not a nanny Plum. It was getting late, and she has nowhere to go, the rain began to pour and nanny Plum had no idea what to do! It's not like she has magi- OH WAIT! Hahahaha.

Nanny Plums pea sized brain was useful for once, she used her magic wand and got an umbrella. She always knew she was good for something.

The distance was foggy but clear enough to see there was someone else walking towards her, she was saved! Unless they wanted to kill her of course.

Wait. OH MY FAIRY. IT CANT BE. Nanny's face contorts into one of shock and surprise as she sees who it is, it's none other than her old high school boyfriend. Daddy pig. Her fantasied of seeing his gorgeous face again had come true! Although, he was more on the slimmer side now, nothing bad but it seems he's lost a few hundred pounds.

His good looks were more visible as they came face to face. Shock covered both of their faces. Mostly daddy pigs though.

"Oh my bloody fairy. Is it really you piggy?" Plum says fanning her face to stop the blush rising to her cheeks as she said his old nickname.

"Umm yes, I think so. You're looking rather unfit aren't you Plum? I thought we were in a pact to become skinny legends?" The disgust in his voice overpowered the sound of the heavy rain, oh how could she have forgotten!

"Oh piggy, it's not as though that pact meant anything, it was as fake as our relationship and you know it!" She didn't know why she said that but the look on daddy pigs face made her regret every word. Every. Word.


"I can't believe I ever loved you Plummy."

He began to run as fast as his tiny legs would take him, he got five metres before the wind was knocked out of him and he could no longer run. It was a lot further that last time he attempted running though, maybe he should give Plummy a chance? His thoughts were interrupted by a strike of lightning hitting his back.

"PIGGY NOOOOOOO." Plummy ran towards him and said some very meaningful words, "I will not let you die, the smell of your sweat is revolting."

He knew from those words how much he loved her, not mummy pig. She just made fun of him. Not in the way nanny plum does it though.

Before pig knew it they were being magicked away somewhere.

"What have you done to my husband you witch!" Mummy plum shouted to the newly become rebel.

"Umm no sweetie, that right there is my hunk of bacon now back off before I abra cadabra your plastic face away." Nanny Plum threatened, fully meaning every word she said.

"He's MY hunk of pork so back off." The older pig retaliated, "why would he ever love someone else? We have kids might you know! Beat that!"

"While you were blabbering on I took your kids found their actually mine! HOW DARE YOU!"

Anger was steaming out of Plummy's ears, like a tea pot.

"I- umm," mummy pig stuttered. How could she have been so stupid! Of course the truth was going to do,e out at some point, "I'm sorry Plum, I didn't realise how badly my hunk of pork meant to you. You can have him I guess." She burst out into tears and sobbed, daddy pig was still lying on the floor unconscious.

"Get up daddy pig." The women both shouted at the same time, they looked at each other and started laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

"Oh, he was only struck with lightning. He's being such a dramatic pink blob." Nanny said to her new found friend, mrs (soon to be miss) pig.

"Just leave him there, would you like a cuppa?"

"I would. I've been travelling for three days."

My love, forgive me... | daddy pig x nanny plumWhere stories live. Discover now