Chapter 6, Love and Envy

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Naruto was in shock hearing the news, a minute later that shocked expression turned into a happy one with tears running down his face.

Naruto: "I am so glad..."

He smiles extremely bright and hugs her tightly and lovingly kissing all over her face, just enjoying his beautiful girlfriend's cute face. Sakura blushes brightly surprised at his reaction and sighs in relief, she expected worse because of all the stories of Boyfriends and Husbands leaving first thing once the woman announced that she was pregnant and wanted to keep the child, but she should have expected a great reaction from Naruto. He was too pure to leave her and his kid, Sakura already knew that he would die for her and his child if it were to protect them.

Sakura: "So we should go by some baby clothes right? It's good to prepare early" She said giggling.

Naruto: "Of course! I can't believe all of this is happening so fast! One second we're friends the next we are going to bring a child into this world! And I wouldn't have it any other way, I love you Sakura chan..."

Sakura: "As do I love you as well Naruto kun..."

Both smiling they kiss on the lips passionately and lovingly, absolutely in love with each other until the end of time.

40 minutes later:

The couple had both made it to a shopping center close near the middle of town, there were tons of stands serving groceries, Tools, Weapons and of course things for children and infants.

Naruto: "Oh look at this blanket! I think he or she would love it!" He said smiling brightly and showing his girlfriend the stunning quilt.

Sakura: "Agreed it looks amazing!" She said with a giggle.

As they browsed the sections of baby items there was someone watching the blonde haired Ninja and his girlfriend (But she did not know they were dating yet). It was none other than Hinata Hyuga. Still having feelings for the young man and the feelings kept increasing and increasing since the war, she would die for him KILL for him anything just for him to give her a chance to be with him. But of course his best friend was there, the best friend he obviously had a crush on since the academy days. Hinata has always envied Sakura, from her beautiful smile all the way up to her sexual attractiveness of her ass (Much like Sakura envied Hinata's boobs), but the thing she envied most of all was how close the pink haired kunoici was to her Senpai.

Hinata: "N-no! Hinata control yourself they are just hanging out!" She said slapping both her cheeks trying to snap out of her thoughts. "I will ask out Naruto kun and then I will be with him forever!" She was going to do it, so she took a deep breath and went to them smiling shyly like she always does.

Hinata: "H-hi Naruto kun, Sakura chan..." She gave a little bow to them to try to be formal.

The Ninjas turned around and saw her bow and smiled giving a bow back.

N&S: "Hello Hinata! How have you been recently?" They both said at the same time, making Naruto chuckle and blushing and as did Sakura.

Naruto: "Jinks" (You owe her a soda Naruto)

Hinata giggled, but secretly was mad that they were a bit lovey dovey. Hinata thought to herself.

'Have they always blushed this much around each other?'

Hinata: "I have been well thank you for asking, and you two? I mean I heard Naruto kun passed his Jonin exams! Congratulations Naruto kun!" She blushed brightly after saying that, she had found out that he passed from her usual spying.

Naruto softly smiled and blushed as he hugged Sakura from behind, making her blush and Hinata frown. As Naruto looked to Sakura, giving a soft nod that he could tell her.

Naruto: "I'm really happy, We're really happy... We are... Finally together now after so long..." He said as he blushed more and then kissed Sakura gently.

Hinata was in shambles... He was with her... HER! Her worst fears have become a reality, and Naruto was with her enemy now...

Hinata: "O-oh that's great! I-I'm so happy for you two!"


She turned away and waved off as she couldn't control her anger anymore, making the excuse that she must visit her father to take care of him. The couple waved her away as well, happy and unknowing that she hated them.

Naruto: "I hope she finds someone one day as well... Someone as great as you..." He said to his girlfriend before nuzzling his nose against his while she giggled.

Hours later:

Hinata sighed as she buried the last remains of her father who 'held her back' from Naruto. Once she was done she pat the ground to make it flat and unnoticeable. Walking inside she closed the door and went to a book shelf, checking one more time from left to right to behind, she pulled a book and the bookshelf opened up and she walked inside before closing it.

Inside was a ton of materials. Kunai, Katanas, scrolls, and even the recently stollen one tailed beast, infused with it she would become a powerful Jinchūriki. But would she do it really just for a crush? A love she thinks she deserves?


Hinata: "I will have him..."

Hinata mumbled too herself and started to laugh uncontrollably and sob as she picked up one of the katana's and looked at the shiny reflection it showed of her as she release a loud scream into the room.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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