Chapter 4, Making love at Midnight

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When Naruto and Sakura got home, they imminently start kissing and making out. Slowly making it to Naruto's room while stripping down most of their clothes. They make it to Naruto's room when he gently kisses her neck, she releases a loud soft moan of pleasure. Naruto leans down and whispers something into her ear. "C-can I take your b-bra off?" He asks with a stutter. She smiles and whispers back into his ear. "Yes... Relax I'll help you..." She takes his hands and guides them to her bra straps. "Here?" He asks with a blush. Sakura blushes then nods, "Y-yes... now just push and squeeze up..." Naruto nods and follows her orders, the bra unhooks with a semi loud snap. "Now just move your hands..." Naruto blushes and removes his hands but then closes his eyes. "A-a-are you sure you want me to see?" Sakura leans up to his ear and bites it lightly and sensually, this causes Naruto to moan. "S-s-s-sakkura..." She then whispers in to that same ear lightly. "Open them... Please, I want you to see... No I NEED you to see them!" She pleads. Naruto shakes his head back in forth not wanting to see her so he won't hurt her being too rough. "Naruto look me in the eyes..." He slowly opens his eyes to see Sakura face to face only a few centimeters away. "Trust me... I want this..." She smiles. "Don't hold back give me the kinky Naruto!" She says with a giggle. He calms down and nods. Sakura moves away from his face so he could see. "Woah!"

He was seeing them! The breasts of the girl of his dreams! Almost fully grown to a perfect size to make any guy get hard

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He was seeing them! The breasts of the girl of his dreams! Almost fully grown to a perfect size to make any guy get hard. "I know they're not much but-" Naruto shushes her. "They're incredible Sakura..." She blushes hard and almost squeals. "Really?! They are?!? Awww Naruto kun!!" She kisses his lips then laughs cutely. "So can I touch them?" He asks pretending to squeeze them. She giggles and nods. "I have been saving them for you Naruto kun..." He blushes a bright pink then squeezes them lightly. "D-does that feel good?" He asks with a small smirk. Sakura moans then nods her head with excitement and pleasure. "Ahh yes! Oh my god!" Naruto smiles bright and squeezes them a little more. "NARUTO KUNnnn!!!" She moans loudly. Naruto pulls his hands away and kisses her left breast. "They're so soft..." Sakura smiles and holds his hand. "T-thank you Naruto kun..." Naruto chuckles and blushes. "Can I suck your nipples?" He asks blushing a rose red. Sakura blushes the same red then whispers into his ear again. "Stop asking for permission... Do what you want to, just make love to me..." Naruto moans softly hearing her say this and leans down to suck her right nipple. She releases a quiet lustful moan. "ohhh Naruto kunnnn..." She cradles his head and allows him to suck more. Naruto pulls away and smiles. "Take me in your mouth..." Sakura's eyes widened and she slowly smiled and blushed.

" Sakura's eyes widened and she slowly smiled and blushed

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"Yes Naruto kun..." Naruto smirks stands up on the bed and waits for her. Sakura got on her knees and slowly slid down his underwear. "HOLY SHIT!" She blushes a really bright red and backs away. "That thing is massive Naruto!" Naruto blushes and smiles from Sakura's compliment. "Touch it slowly... You'll get used to it..." He re assures her. Sakura nods then slowly touches it and tries to understand it. "What is that smell?" Her eyes widen and she smells Naruto's bulge.

 "What is that smell?" Her eyes widen and she smells Naruto's bulge

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"Mmmm it smells so good! Very strong indeed..." Naruto blushes and smiles. "Please lick or suck me..." Naruto begs. Sakura smirks and starts to lick him gently and slowly. Naruto feeling this moans loudly and doesn't want it to stop. "Ohhh Sakura chan! OH MY GOD!" Sakura makes a big smirk and starts to lick the tip. "OHHHHH!" He releases a bit of pre sperm and the long string hits Sakura's face. "My my Naruto..." She giggles softly, "Save the real thing for my mouth hehe!" She smiles cutely and starts sucking his Manhood slowly. Naruto was amazed, feeling his new girlfriend's mouth suck him up and down for the first time. "S-s-s-s-so g-g-goood..." He releases a quiet moan. Sakura noticing that Naruto was enjoying himself, increases the speed and goes pretty fast. UP, DOWN, UP DOWN! Sakura was going too fast for Naruto to handle, and quickly he reaches his climax. "AHHHHHH!" Naruto releases his semen deep down Sakura's throat. Sakura was enjoying the taste of him and swallowed every last drop before pulling away. "Tasty!" She said happily.  Naruto chuckled and lightly brushed his hand around Sakura's hair, "You're so sexy Sakura chan..." He compliments. Sakura blushes a bright rose red and giggles. "Thanks Naruto kun! And you're crazy hot believe it!" Naruto blushed hard realizing that she used his catchphrase Dattebayo aka believe it. "HEY! That's my line!" He said with a chuckle. "Sorry! I just thought it would be a perfect time to say it tehehe!" She giggles then laughs. "Should we finish this?" Naruto said pointing at his still erect bulge. Sakura giggled some more then nods. "Yes you Baka! You really think I'd suck you off and not have sex with you?!" Naruto blushed then shook his head. Sakura smiled and took her panties off and showed him her wet womanhood. "Fuck me Naruto kun... Please fuck me!" She begged. "Thank you Sakura chan... I'm so happy I'll be your first..." He smiled and slowly inserts himself into her. Sakura releases a sweet moan then smiles bright, "So am I Naruto kun..." Naruto smiled as bright as her and fully inserts his length into his lover.

" Naruto smiled as bright as her and fully inserts his length into his lover

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Naruto starts moving fast, getting close to his breaking point once again. "Ahh ahh Naruto!" Sakura said panting and moaning loudly. "Sakura I'm gonna release again! Should I pull out?" "No Naruto! Give me your child, make me a mother please!" Naruto smiled and kissed her. "I will Sakura chan!" He kept moving faster and faster and finally reaches his release. "Ohhh Sakura chan!" "Ohhh Naruto kun..." They both moan then kiss each other. 

Making Love at Midnight...

(End of chapter 4! Oooweee! Yes I finished it! Sorry for the delay, I was dealing with mental health issues and moving into my new house! But it's now here and i hope you enjoyed!!! ^-^ Note, I do NOT own the Naruto characters and they were made by Kishimoto!) 

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